

Surely maintaining a healthy weight is very important. If you are too thin or overweight or obese, you may have more risks of certain health problems. Certainly reaching a healthy weight can help control cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. It can also help prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers. […]

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Cellular nutrition of bones

Cellular nutrition of bones

The cellular nutrition of the bones helps them regenerate and move better. It also supports the body in general. Thus, bones are living tissues that are constantly regenerated during life. During childhood and adolescence, the body adds new bone faster than the old one removes, but after 20 years, the opposite is happening. To have […]

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The skeleton or sets of bones represents the structure of life. The lower limbs are connected to Mother Earth. When we speak of the Mother, we can refer to a problem of maternal function. A problem in the lower extremity, there can be two problems: A conflict with the mother. I do not exercise the […]

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Essential oils

Essential oils

Essences Essences are found throughout the plant kingdom, although some families such as labials, umbelliferae, conifers, rutaceae and myrtaceae provide most of the essential oils used in aromatherapy. Odoriferous substances found in plants could be considered similar to their pheromones. They are the product of chemically very complex structures and biochemical processes that occur inside […]

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CVS Cellular Nutrition

CVS Cellular Nutrition

First, check out the CVS Cellular Nutrition NewAge Program Thus, this NewAge CVS cellular nutrition program and our lifestyle play a vital role in maintaining the long-term health of our CVS. Similarly, many studies have been published on the relationship between cardiovascular disease risk and various nutrients, foods, and unhealthy eating habits. Development and prevention […]

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 Cardiovascular system

 Cardiovascular system

The degradation of the cardiovascular system (CVS) goes through different stages before reaching serious disorders such as: “gangrene, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage … “. First step Degradation of the cardiovascular system “alteration of the blood” Its composition is based on the customs of life: food, drinks, taking or not exciting, drugs or medicines, breathed air, […]

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Bioenergetic nutrition

Bioenergetic nutrition

INTRODUCTION First of all, bioenergetic nutrition offers a diet adapted to the needs of the human being if its goal is to be in harmony with its environment. If we are attentive to the signals that the body sends us through all the senses, we will achieve an optimal state of health, that is, not […]

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What is the regeneration cure? The regeneration cure allows to control old age which is a process of cellular oxidation, natural and progressive. It is a process that must be understood by those people who wish to preserve physical youth as far as possible. Also, supplements, creams and various beverages, rich in antioxidants, slow cellular […]

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The stabilization is done with our help because we can accompany you at best in this process for a truly personalized treatment. At home, however, you can create small detox programs for seasonal changes from winter to spring and from summer to fall. But also after the holidays or in case of excess. Unfortunately, today’s […]

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DEFINITION Aromatherapy is a natural method of healing, complete in itself, which substantially modifies physical, emotional and spiritual processes. It is based on a holistic approach: In general terms, holistic indicates that a system and its properties are analyzed as a whole, in a global and integrated way, since from this point of view its operation […]

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Revitalization is carried out in principle after detoxification treatment. Once the body is clean, it becomes stronger. If it is very weakened, with very low vital energy, you need to revitalize it before detoxifying it. Sometimes deficiencies are more important than overloads. Objective of  revitalization Revitalization follows detoxification, if eliminations are important, to revitalize the body […]

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Purpose of detox The purpose of the detox is to cleanse, purify the metabolism from accumulated overloads in the internal environment, but also to stop its excessive production. How? When the source of the overloads dries up, the toxic and other nutritional intakes are actually stopped. A measure without which it is useless and absurd to […]

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Healing crisis

Healing crisis

Cleansing and detoxification reactions They are part of the body’s healing process. They are signs that the body is adjusting. The period of elimination of what is unnecessary for the body is called a “healing crisis.” During this period, certain parts of the body help speed up the elimination process: Digestive system changes the stool. Urinary […]

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Naturopathy is included in the field of Applied Holistic Ancestral Medicine and is applied when there is a previous medical diagnosis. He conceives the disease as a set of imbalances in the patient’s energy field. For this reason it does not focus only on alleviating the symptoms but on helping the organic and emotional set […]

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Cellular Nutrition

Cellular Nutrition

Cellular nutrition is a supply of essential nutrients. It provides the body’s cells with the vital energy and material they need to perform their functions. It is closely linked to good nutrition. Although it exceeds it, because under many conditions the amounts of nutrients are greater than those that current food can provide. Natural supplementation […]

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Ancestral medicine 

Ancestral medicine 

APPLIED HOLISTIC ANCESTRAL MEDICINE (MAHA) MODULE 1 Holistic approach to health Welcome to this page on applied holistic ancestral medicine. This information is intended for those who wish to discover, understand and apply a holistic approach to ancestral medicine. This view sees the body as a unit that functions through the mind/body connection. If you have […]

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