Drink of Lord Shiva

Drink of Lord Shiva

Drink of Lord Shiva is highly prized both for its subtle aroma and for its relaxing and spiritual effects. Shiva is the one who brings good luck. It destroys illusion and ignorance, which aims to create a new world. Mainly, it represents the latent creative source. It is united with Shakti, the Matrix Energy. She […]

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Grandfather medicine

Grandfather medicine

Grandfather medicine is very present in the Pueblo with the Wixarika People (Huichols) in Mexico, but also with the Náayeri, the Tepehuanos and the Rarámuri. In the United States, some Native American groups, such as the Kiowas, Navajo and Comanches, have also historically been related to this medicine and its use. According to pre-Hispanic accounts, […]

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Consciousness Medicine

Consciousness Medicine

“We can transform our past” The medicine of consciousness is the art of taking responsibility for our life and discovering how we can transform it. If we think that the past no longer exists, it is a mistake. The past is present in cellular memory and can produce suffering in the present. It is only […]

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Improve our eyesight

Improve our eyesight

As with many other health problems, certain nutrients and plants can improve our eyesight. Here we will expand what is beneficial to improve our view. First of all, it is necessary to know that to have the health of the eyes, certain nutrients are indispensable for them. These nutrients include vitamins: A, E and C.  […]

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Immune System Medicine

Immune System Medicine

What is this ancestral Medicine? Immune System Medicine is practiced mainly by the Healers of the Amazon to cure the population through the use of this Medicine among others. The first historical documents in relation to this Medicine appear around 1920, belonging to French Jesuit monks who came into contact with the natives. Previously it […]

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Grandmother Medicine

Grandmother Medicine

The Medicine of the Inner Vision or of the wise Grandmother allows to see beyond the limits, to develop the ability to go beyond the appearance of things and to penetrate the knowledge of oneself. First stage of Grandmother Medicine Decalcify and mobilize the pineal gland Learn more To have a lucid vision, we must […]

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Decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland

Decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland

Decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland are two different things. In essence, detoxification removes crystallized deposits of fluoride and phosphate. Once we enter the process of decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland, it begins to function normally again. What is the Pineal Gland? The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland found in […]

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Tuning and synchronization of fields

Tuning and synchronization of fields

(physical, energetic, emotional and mental) Thanks to an intelligent accessory we can have a tuning and synchronization of fields: physical, energetic, emotional and mental. It is composed of a unique combination of minerals, mainly with a significant charge of negative ions. This product is designed with state-of-the-art quantum technology, created by German scientists, experts in […]

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Original Limu

Original Limu

Original Limu is a super drink to generate health based mainly on the superfood Fucoidan. It is an advanced blend of essential vitamins, nutrients, polyphenols and mainly rich in Fucoidan. It has been reformulated with an advanced blend of certified organic marinades and enriched with five times more Fucoidan. Deliciously enriched with extracts of tropical […]

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Amplifii or Rejuveniix

Amplifii or Rejuveniix

Amplifii or Rejuveniix to support energy levels Thus, the nutritional decisions we make every day can have a profound impact on our lives. The allure of a fast-paced, fast-moving lifestyle quickly loses its appeal in the face of plummeting energy levels, mental lethargy, and also a general sense of physical discomfort. To counter this trend, […]

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Fatigue will never be a problem with Renew again! Renew is designed to always feel fit, it accompanies us daily to have all the energy we need. Its unique composition has been designed to cover all nutritional needs, ensure good cell regeneration, but above all an optimal metabolism. The great strength of Renew is that […]

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With a proprietary blend of cleansing ingredients and nutrient-rich superfoods, Restoriix attracts and removes unwanted substances from the body for a complete and natural detox. Restoriix in your routine will support the body´s restoration process and help it to restore its balance. Our body can no longer eliminate! There are different organs (emuntorios) to eliminate […]

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Feel-good nutrients Vináli helps the proper functioning of the immune system, contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress (tobacco, alcohol consumption, pollution, chemicals, excessively rich diet, etc.)  and the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of the skin. It is a natural food supplement composed of the best known antioxidants. This […]

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Nuku Hiva

Nuku Hiva

It is an exclusive formula of noni that combines ancient wisdom and science to enhance the general health of the organism. Packed with iridoids, phenolic compounds and phytonutrients, Nuku Hiva is among the best and most nutritious supplements that ensure that the body and mind are kept in top condition. We all want to be […]

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Original Tahitian Noni

Original Tahitian Noni

Pure Energy of the Nature Original Tahitian Noni contains powerful phyto-nutrients, also rare iridoïde, which feed its antioxidant and adaptogenic properties. Its nutrients and phyto-nutrients can naturally boost energy levels, the functioning of the immune system and also overall health. It can be taken daily as part of an optimal wellness routine. It is an […]

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Improve your collagen production with Noni-collagen Noni-collagen combines 10,000 mg of sustainably sourced hydrolyzed marine collagen with 100% Tahitian Noni. TeMana Noni-collagen helps the body increase its collagen production and thus promote visibly firmer, younger skin, and better elasticity. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and one of the main components of: […]

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Quintessential anti-aging Biopro-Q is a dynamic fusion of Ubiquinol, the most potent formula of CoQ10 and Bioperine, a patented compound containing at least 95% piperine. Piperine is an alkaloid extract that is extracted mainly from black pepper (Piper Nigrum L.)  and is responsible for the spicy taste of this spice. Biopro-Q is ideal for eliminating […]

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Pure, protein-rich nutrition PureNourish developed by NewAge is a food supplement designed to improve digestion and optimize the absorption of nutrients. Each dose combines 14 essential vitamins and minerals with high-quality protein, natural enzymes and 28% of the recommended daily fiber in a nutritious shake. The use of pea protein, rather than animal protein, improves […]

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Support your body and your beauty Elite is a revolutionary formula designed to improve your overall well-being. By harnessing the power of super herbs and nutrients, it helps support the immune and nervous systems, as well as normal psychological functioning, while also providing additional benefits for skin health. Live a better quality of life Thanks […]

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Tahitian Noni Max

Tahitian Noni Max

There is no better wellness supplement on the market today than Tahitian Noni Max. HOW DOES IT WORK? Tahitian Noni Max has 120 iridoids in each serving, more than any other product on the planet. In an independent study, it showed that it reduced advanced glycation by up to 24 percent when taken every day. […]

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SLENDERIIX PRE-MEAL AND NIITE The human body is complex, made up of different systems that need to work with each other to enjoy optimal health. For this reason, a multifaceted approach with Slenderiix to weight loss and management is the key to staying fit and healthy. Weight loss isn’t just about what you eat and […]

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Powerboost can be added to PureNourish to create the combination of flavor and nutrients you are looking for. Enriched with cocoa, it quickly replenishes energy and nutrients after exercise. Favorite drink of athletes Powerboost is the drink of choice for athletes, runners, or anyone who exercises regularly. Start with the cocoa bean, valuable not only […]

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Optimals M-V

Optimals M-V

Essential nutritional support for optimal health Good nutrition Good nutrition is able to offer the body the adequate supply of essential nutrients, which are the necessary elements for the normal functioning of the body and that it cannot produce on its own. These nutrients are found in Nutrifii Optimals M-V and include vitamins and antioxidants, […]

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Omega-Q is an exclusive blend of essential omega-3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).  Two of the most potent ingredients on Earth to initiate and maintain overall health, starting at the level of cells. This balanced combination promotes the functioning of the heart and brain, as well as an overall sense of well-being. A dynamic […]

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Find out why Magnical-D is the perfect blend to support bones and help maintain a healthy skeletal system. CALCIUM Main properties listed as Softens blood vessels and dilates them Thus, calcium allows better blood circulation. Priest Also, calcium is essential for clotting and healing. It also intervenes in the healing process by controlling the activation […]

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Probiotiix or culturiix

Probiotiix or culturiix

BALANCE YOUR BODY AND YOUR LIFE Trust your body, feel good When you give your body what it needs, you feel happier and healthier! Supplementing your healthy nutrition with Probiotiix or Culturiix helps support you by giving you the tools you need every day. Healthy living starts here With 15 different strains of healthy bacteria, […]

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Much more than a Food MOA: 36 Superfoods That Will Nourish Your Body Formulated with superfoods and super fruits, rich in antioxidants, rich in nutrients and low glycemic index that offer exceptional health benefits. Instead of only a few diluted ingredients, MOA combines 36 superfoods in each sachet! This means you’re getting a wide range […]

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Giving Greens

Giving Greens

Giving Greens is a nutrient-packed plant-based powder that helps nourish the body, primarily with essential phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Enjoy this nutritious food of first: germs, probiotics and prebiotics, superfruits, enzymes… that boost immunity, promote cardiovascular health, fight free radicals and help digestion. 907 GRAMS OF VEGETABLES PER SERVING A single serving of Giving Greens […]

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The Snuff Jurema offers for its presence : Clarity, compassion, concentration, determination, empathy, emotional balance, forgiveness, service, lucid and visionary dream… Botanical name : Mimosa tenuiflora or Mimosa hostilis Indigenous family : Xucuru Kariri Habitat : Brasil Botanical description Thorny, deciduous tree (without leaves from December to May), can reach up to about 8 meters […]

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El snuff Sia offers by its presence : courage, energy, enthusiasm, strength, spiritual protection, resistance… Botanist name : Dipteryx odorata Indigenous family: Huni Kuin Hábitat : Brasil Botanical description It is a large tree, which can reach up to 40 meters in height, easily adapts to the tropical climate and soil moisture. Its flowers are […]

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The Snuff Cocoa offers for its presence : Adaptation, love, emotional well-being, good humor, understanding of emotions, concentration, ancestral connection, happiness, strength, memory … Botanical name : Theobroma Cacao Indigenous family : Huni Kuin Habitat : Brasil Botanical description It is a tree that measures 10 to 15 meters in height, usually pruned to 6 […]

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The Lemongrass Snuff offers for its presence : Openness of the heart, mental clarity, concentration, connection with creative energy, positive emotion, happiness, lucidity, meditation, present moment, inner peace, prosperity, tranquility … Botanical name : Platycyamus regnellii Habitat : Mexico Botanical description The Tsunu tree is a tall tree with beautiful purple flowers that belongs to […]

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The Snuff Apuxuri offers for its presence : acceptance, unconditional love, good humor, intuitive understanding, communication, energy, aesthetics, expression, creative ideas, mental lucidity, present moment, peace … Botanical name : Lucuma mammosa Indigenous family : Kuntanawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description The mamey tree is ornamental, perennial, which can reach a height of up to […]

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7 floors

7 floors

The 7 floors Snuff offers for its presence : Understanding of the other, concentration, spiritual connection, trust, deep and acute awareness of unity, gift of channeling, gratitude, lucidity of dreams, meditation … Indigenous family : Yawanawá Habitat : Brasil What contains 7 floors How : Chiric sanango Garlic sacha Cocoa ash Samsara Willka or Vilca […]

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Apurinã Awiry

Apurinã Awiry

The Apurinã Awiry Snuff offers for its presence : clairvoyance, concentration, connection with Mother Earth, intuition, deep meditation, serenity… Indigenous family : Apurinã Habitat : Brasil What Apurinã Awiry contains Ground and sieved Awiry leaves The Apurinã are famous for their green snuff, unique and completely different from the other tribes in the region. It […]

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Baimuka english

Baimuka english

The Baimuka english Snuff offers for its presence : harmony, self-esteem, confidence, success, positivity, relaxation… Botanical name : Miconia albicans Indigenous family : Huni Kuin Kaxinawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description Xipaô is a rare herb that grows as a parasite on palm trees. Caneleiro is also known as Velho Cinnamon, with a variety that […]

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Velho Cinnamon

Velho Cinnamon

The Velho Cinnamon Snuff offers for its presence : Mental alignment, mental openness, mental harmony, Self-knowledge, understanding, concentration, connection with the Earth, confidence, vigor of the body … Botanical name : Miconia albicans Indigenous family : Huni Kuin – Kaxinawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description The bark of Velho Cinnamon is considered one of the […]

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Holy Capim

Holy Capim

The Holy Capim Snuff offers for its presence : Concentration, connection with the creative energy, lucidity, meditation, prosperity, tranquility … Botanical name : Sapotaceae Indigenous family : Kuntanawa Habitat : Brasil Botanical description Mamey tree is ornamental, perennial, which can reach a height of up to 40 meters and a diameter at chest height of […]

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Copaiba english

Copaiba english

The Copaiba english Snuff offers for its presence : Connection with the earth, self-confidence, spiritual protection, security, living the present moment… Botanical name : Copaifera officinalis Indigenous family : Shawandawa and Katukina Habitat : Brasil Botanical description Tree 20 to 30 m tall, straight trunk, with globose and wide crown, can reach 30 m high, […]

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Cumarú of Cheiro

Cumarú of Cheiro

The Cumarú of Cheiro Snuff offers for its presence : courage, energy, enthusiasm, strength, spiritual protection, resistance… Botanical name : Amburana cearensis Indigenous family : Huni Kuin and Kaxinawa Habitat : Brasil Botanical description It is a deciduous tree, of great development, 15-25 occasionally 35 m in height of straight shaft of 5-13 m in […]

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Femenin Strength

Femenin Strength

The Femenin Strength Snuff offers for its presence : love, self-affirmation, inner and outer beauty, clarity, compassion, Connection with Mother Earth, trust, cordiality, creativity, happiness, strength, innocence, intelligence of the heart, thoughts of great spiritual height, purity, reflection, visualization … Botanical name : Geissospermum vellosii Indigenous family : Yawanawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description The […]

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Huasca english

Huasca english

The Huasca english Snuff offers for its presence : love, compassion, understanding, gratitude, inner peace, perception, serenity, solidarity… Botanical name : Banisteriopsis caapi Habitat : Brasil Botanical description Long lianas measuring 10 to 15 m in height, mostly glabrous except in the inflorescences which are thin and sericeous, silvery in color, with dense and short […]

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Kanaro english

Kanaro english

The Kanaro english Snuff offers for its presence : Clarity, concentration, opportunity, patience, peace, precision, purifies… Indigenous family : Caboclo – This snuff is the blue macaw, a messenger from the astral planes of Yawanawa. Habitat : Brasil Properties of Kanaro english How : Awaken the mind Calms thoughts Change the situation Clean up the […]

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Mulateiro english

Mulateiro english

The Mulateiro english Snuff offers for its presence : Abundance, clarity, concentration, trust in Mother Earth, bitterness, stability, firmness, youth, resistance, security … Botanical name : Calycophyllum spruceanum Indigenous family : Yawanawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description This tree can grow to a height of 30 meters. During the summer months, it produces a large […]

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Mulungu english

Mulungu english

The Mulungu english Snuff offers for its presence : Gratitude, joy, ability to conceive ideas and projects, creativity, enthusiasm, balance in sexuality, motivation, optimism, creativity … Botanical name : Erythrina verna Indigenous family : Kuntanawa Habitat : Brasil Botanical description The mulungu is a medium-sized tree. Its bark has a color ranging from brown to […]

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Murici english

Murici english

The Murici english Snuff offers for its presence : Courage, concentration, energy, enthusiasm, meditation, passion, resolution… Botanical name : Byrsonima crassifolia Indigenous family : Huni Kuin Kaxinawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description It is a small and crooked or shrubby evergreen tree, deciduous in dry forests, between 3 to 15 m in height with a […]

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7 stars

7 stars

The 7 stars Snuff offers for its presence : Good dreams, calm, clarity, spontaneity, lucidity, meditation, precision … Botanical name : Calycophyllum spruceanum Indigenous family : Nukini Habitat : Brasil Botanical description This tree can reach a height of 30 meters. During the summer months, it produces a large number of white and aromatic flowers, […]

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White Rose

White Rose

The White Rose Snuff offers for its presence : Joy, self-esteem, well-being, important changes or transitions of life, spiritual ecstasy, inner happiness, wisdom, security, feeling of love for life, courage, vitality … Botanical name : Platycyamus regnellii and Rosa alba Indigenous family : Nukini Habitat : Brasil Botanical description The bark of the Tsunu tree […]

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Nukini Onca

Nukini Onca

The Nukini Onca Snuff offers for its presence : good sleep, concentration, deep connection, knowledge, courage, healing, evolution, willpower, skill, nobility, prudence, wisdom, silence … Botanical name : Fraxinus excelsior Indigenous family : Nukini Habitat : Brasil What contains Nukini Onca How : Moi tobacco, ashes from the bark of the sacred Sanu tree, and […]

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Holy Wood

Holy Wood

The Holy Wood Snuff offers for its presence : Harmony, self-esteem, spiritual communion, concentration, peace, relaxation, tranquility … Botanical name : Bursera Graveolens Habitat : Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico Botanical description Is a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America and belongs to the Bureseracea family, like frankincense, […]

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Paricá english

Paricá english

The Paricá english Snuff offers for its presence : kindness, unconditional love, attention to the voice of intuition, compassion, understanding, spiritual connection, consciousness, meditation, modesty, fullness, living the present moment … Botanical name : Schizolobium parahyba o amazonicum Habitat : Brasil Botanical description This tree normally reaches 20 to 30 m in height, and the […]

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Paje´s Vein

Paje´s Vein

The Paje´s Vein Snuff offers for its presence : Inner attention, attraction, good luck, connection, meditation, protection, tranquility … Botanical name : Lucuma mammosa or Manilkara zapota Indigenous family : Kuntanawá Habitat : Brasil Botanical description It is a tree of the Sapotaceae family. Native to the humid tropical regions of America, its natural range […]

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Tsunu Yawanawa english

Tsunu Yawanawa english

The Tsunu Yawanawa english Snuff offers for its presence : Openness of the heart, good luck, mental clarity, positive emotion, meditation, present moment, inner peace, happiness, perception … Botanical name : Platycyamus regnellii Indigenous family : Yawanawa Habitat : Brasil Botanical description The Tsunu tree is a tall tree with beautiful purple flowers that belongs […]

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Tsunu Bay

Tsunu Bay

The Tsunu Bay Snuff offers for its presence : Openness of the heart, mental clarity, connection with the Earth, confidence, happiness, perception… Botanical name : Platycyamus regnellii Indigenous family : Pataxó Habitat : Brasil Botanical description Platycyamus regnellii is a deciduous tree of the fabaceae family with a dense, globose crown. It can reach from […]

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Lemon eucalyptus

Lemon eucalyptus

The essential oil of Lemon Eucalyptus offers by its presence: Concentration, courage, expression of your own emotions, flexibility, release from your negative feelings that cause anxiety, precision, affective regeneration … Botanical name : Eucalyptus citriodora Family : Myrtacées Plant/part : Leaves Extraction : Steam distillation of leaves Habitat : It is now found more in […]

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