Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid

Where to find Hyaluronic Acid in NewAge Products and Bioenergetic Foods This article reports on NewAge Cellular Nutrition and bioenergetic foods that contain or provide hyaluronic acid to our body, since we believe that the results are much better when we treat the skin inside and out. Hyaluronic acid helps improve collagen production, which slows […]

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Brain Gate Localization VG17E is located mainly in a depression greater than the occipital protrusion. Properties of VG17E Calm pain and mind Disperses wind, heat and humidity Eliminates the perverse wind Improves vision Lightens the head and heat Lowers the internal wind Opens to a new way of seeing things or to new ideas, the […]

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Central axis Localization VG7E is located mainly in the center of the spine, between the occiput and the coccyx. Properties of VG7E Allows us to open up to the people around us to learn from them, learn to laugh at ourselves and some situations, communicate our emotions, be aware of the negative thoughts that prevent […]

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Uninterrupted and unhindered return stream Localization R7E is located mainly in front of the Achilles tendon. Properties of R7E Circulates stagnant energy Clear your view Eliminates edema, moisture as heat Metabolizes fluids Moves stagnant organic liquids Regulates sweating and also waterways Strengthens the lumbar area Tone energy, Yang as the Yin of the kidney Unclogs […]

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Internal barrier Localization PC6E is located mainly 3 fingers (width of the index finger, major and ring finger together) above the fold of the wrist, between the two tendons of the major and minor palmar muscle. Properties of PC6E Allows us to disengage from the past, accept to live the present moment, become aware of […]

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Shoulder joint Localization IG15E is located mainly in the front lower hollow of the acromion bone. When abduction of the arm, two holes appear in the shoulder (the one in the anterior part is 15 IG). Properties of IG15E Allows us to be aware of doing things out of love and not out of obligation, […]

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Curve of the pond or elbow Localization IG11E is located mainly, with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, at the anterior end of the elbow fold, near the epicondyle. Properties of IG11E Physical indications of IG11E How: Psychic indications of IG11E How: BACK TO ARTICLE : Thyroid Visit our website to get to know us […]

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Justice celeste o divine Localization IG10E is located mainly wide of the index finger, major and ring together below IG11 (with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees, it is located at the anterior end of the elbow fold, near the epicondyle). Properties of IG10E Physical indications of IG10E How: Psychic indications of IG10E How: BACK […]

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Generous abundance Localization E40E is located mainly on the outside of the leg, halfway between the line of the tibio-femoral joint (knee joint) at level with the popliteal fold, the highest part of the external malleolus (the ankle bone), and two fingers out of the tibia (the vertical bone). Properties of E40E Allows us to […]

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Receive the other as he is Localization E9E is located mainly in a depression greater than the occipital protrusion. Properties of E9E Allows us to become aware of what slowed down our impulse in order to overcome it, achieve the goal set, success, to see our own beauty, express our needs Bring everything we need […]

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Inherit the decree of the Cielo or reunión of the 3 Yin de la pierna Localization B6E is located mainly above the internal malleolus, behind and on the edge of the tibia. Properties of B6E Physical indications of B6E How: Psychic indications of B6E How: BACK TO ARTICLE : Thyroid Visit our website to get […]

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Achieve your synergies

Achieve your synergies

In general to achieve your synergies, the amount of essential oil in a drop varies depending on the dropper used. For a safe approach, the dilutions indicated by Centro Cauce are defined by a commercial dropper: one drop “from this type of dripper” is equivalent to about 40 milligrams. 1ml = 25 drops 5 ml […]

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 Vegetable oil

 Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil serve, among others, to dilute essential oil, which are too strong to apply directly to the skin, in massages. The base or carrier oil acts as a lubricant for the hands during the massage. They must be extracted naturally, from first cold pressure, extra virgin, and should not follow any refined treatment. The […]

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A stimulating energy blend of super-fruit extracts and antioxidants The nutrition decisions you make every day can have a profound impact on your life. The glamour of a fast-paced, on-the-go lifestyle fades quickly in the face of energy breakdowns, mental stupor, and a sense of general malaise. To counter this trend, a commitment to a […]

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What is astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is a carotenoid, a natural pigment similar to beta carotene in carrots. This pigment is receiving a lot of attention for presenting an extremely high antioxidant capacity and for its health benefits at different levels (anti-inflammatory, eye, skin and cardiovascular health, muscle endurance, etc.). It is the pigment that gives the […]

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Thyroid functions The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck. It is directly linked to the energy center of the throat, also called the throat chakra. The role of this gland is to secrete two very important hormones, either thyroxine and thiothyronine that have as a particularity the contain of iodine, recognized […]

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Balancing of the chakras

Balancing of the chakras

Chakras are energy centers located in our body. In these areas, biological and psychological aspects of our way of relating are integrated, so through the balancing of the chakras is the way to achieve well-being and a better quality of life. The chakras do not have balancing when some dysfunctions are manifested. Balancing of the seven […]

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Dance, jump and go for a walk Localization VB30E is located mainly on the line between the greater trochanter and the junction of the coccyx and sacrum (sacral hiatus, at the end of the line between the buttocks), it is divided into 3 parts. Properties of VB30E Activates blood and energy Allows us to move […]

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Accumulation of winds Localization VB20E is located mainly in a depression below the occipital bone, between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius. Properties of VB20E Allows us to love ourselves, to feel love and resonance with the Earth, to live our deep self and to live it on Earth, to appreciate the present moment. Balance our being […]

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Master pupil Localization VB1E is located primarily 1/2 inch outside the outer corner (corner of the outer eye). Properties of VB1E Allows us to know our needs, respect the needs and freedom of others, constructively express our anger Develops the skills of communication, intuition, mediation and in addition to conciliation Disperses the hot wind Eliminates […]

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Central Island Localization TC3E is located mainly on the back of the hand, between 4e and 5e and metacarpal, a hollow behind the metacarpal phalangeal joint. Properties of TC3E Allows us to decide, face our problem, integrate the fear we have, move forward in life with much more lucidity Attracts everything we need Balances Yin […]

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Spirit of decision, source or origin of the water Localization R5E is located mainly in the hollow in front of and above the inner surface of the tuberosity of the calcaneus. Properties of R5E Activates the desire to perform an act Allows us to recognize and love ourselves, to see the ideas and opinions of […]

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Reception of organic liquids Localization VC24E is located mainly in the center of the mentolabial sulcus. Properties of VC24E Allows us to abandon our past, accept the things of the past as they are, take the time to check our needs before saying yes to the other, do the things we undertake well, dare to […]

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Transport to offer Localization R27E is located mainly in the hollow at 1st coast and the lower side of the collarbone, two inches from the median line. Properties of R27E Accommodates everything well Attracts love, attention to oneself Calms cough and also asthma Change our mental programming Detachment from the useless Face inner guilt because […]

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Palace of the Wind Localization VG16E is located mainly in depression under the occipital tuberosity. Properties of VG16E Allows us to discover our potentialities, talents, to know why we are here and what we must do Deal with indecision Develops creativity, devotion, the gift of telepathy, clear audience, clairvoyance, generosity, organic sensory perceptions and also […]

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Large bump or large vertebra Localization VG14a is located mainly under the spine in the 7th cervical vertebra. Properties of VG14a Physical indications of VG14a How: Psychic indications of VG14a How: You can try this product for free a week before you buy it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning […]

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Elevation of the spirit or pantheon of the soul Localization VG10E is located mainly under the spine in the 6th dorsal vertebra. Properties of VG10E Allows us to master our feelings and emotions, contemplate beauty, love the other as he is. Clarify our intelligence Communicate with the heart Develop compassion, beatitude, love of truth, success, […]

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Master of the mind or spine center Localization VG6E is located mainly under the spine at the 11th to dorsal vertebra. Place the point in the ventral position. Properties of VG6E Also allows you to admire the splendor of the original state Also improves intellectual activity Balance psychomotricity Change sadness into joy Develops independence, perseverance, […]

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Door of light or destiny or life Localization VG4E is located mainly between the spines of the 2e and 3e and lumbar vertebrae. Properties of VG4E Allows us to act without doubting their actions, to have confidence in others and also to realize our desires. Clears internal heat in all organs Connect especially with our […]

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Reunions center and the gods Localization VG20E is located between the line above the two ears. Properties of VG20E Allows to understand the big questions and also transcend the fear of the unknown Attract mystical or occult teachings Awakens pure consciousness as well as the permanent bond with divinity Calm the mind Clears the mind, […]

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Subsequent stream or continuity of the torrent Localization H14E is located at the mamelon line, just below the nipple, in the sixth intercostal space. Properties of H14E Allows us to take advantage of the rest time we take to analyze our life, to undertake projects even if we are not supported Circulates blood, be attentive […]

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Spiritual soul or entrance supreme Localization H3 is located in a depression in front of the junction of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal. Area of choice for deep muscles Properties of H3E Allows us to discover a goal in our life and thus realize our dreams Calms the mind, the excess of the manifestation of […]

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Temple of Providence or Divine Palace Localization VG24E is located primarily 1/2 inch above the middle of the pre-hairline. Properties of VG24E Brings together the meridians of the bladder and stomach Calms the heart Develop our potential as talents Disperses excess heat Free from the fear of death Harmonizes the secretions of the glands Improves […]

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Celestial elevation Localization VC22E is located in the middle of the sternal hollow, 1/2 inch above the sternal fuze and above the neck, between the cricoid cartilage and the mandibular side. Sky Window Area Properties of VC22E Allows us to be well with each other, even if the other forgets that we exist Amplifies all […]

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Reunion of energy or center of sincerity Localization VC17E is located above the sternum, at the height of the 4th intercostal space, in the line that joins the two nipples. Properties of VC17E Allows us to contemplate beauty, to dominate our feelings and emotions so to love the other as he is Clarify intelligence Develops […]

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Central Vessel Localization VC12E is located halfway along the line between the xiphoid and navel. Properties of VC12E Allows us to admire the splendor of the original state, to be good with ourselves, even if the other forgets that we exist Balance psychomotricity Change sadness into joy Concentrates Develops perseverance, self-healing, precision, respect as well […]

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Sea of energy Localization VC6E is located about four centimeters below the navel. Properties of VC6E Also awaken in another reality Also enriches our social relationships Connect with emotions Control the ego by sexual connection Develop clairvoyance, devotion, intuition, loyalty, telepathy as well as trust in the other Mainly helps the original energy to hold […]

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Subsequent stream or continuity of the torrent Localization ID3 is located behind the metacarpal-phalangeal joint of the 5th finger, where the skin changes color. In the large fold that appears when closing the fist. Properties of ID3E Allows us to see within ourselves and question ourselves about our reactions, motivations and attitudes before rejecting external […]

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Valley bottom or mouth of the tiger Localization IG4E is thus located at the level of the middle of the second metacarpal, at the radial edge. Properties of IG4E Allows us to keep a distance about what we live, adopt a new attitude about the situations in our lives, recover our independence and also carry […]

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Blessing of the Spirit Localization E36E is located 4 fingers below the knee and at a distance equivalent to the width of the thumb to the outer side of the tibia. Properties of E36E Aid in the assimilation of food Allows us to be well with yourself, even if they forget that we exist or […]

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Palace of the Spirit Localization EX-HN3E is thus located between the two eyebrows. Properties of EX-HN3E Physical indications of EX-HN3E How: Psychic indications of EX-HN3E How: IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic balance – Energetic points – Quantum technology  – Chakras Visit our website to  […]

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Long-term strength growth Localization VG1E is thus located halfway between anus and coccyx, below the tip of the tailbone. Properties of VG1E Allows to keep in touch with reality and the concrete, to recognize the divine Presence in the material, to get ahead materially so that you do not waste your life anymore in violent […]

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Reunion of the Yin – Door of life as well as of death Localization VC1E is thus found in the perineum, between the genitals and the anus. Properties of VC1E Allows to keep in touch with reality and the concrete, to recognize the divine Presence in the material, to get ahead materially so that you […]

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E1E is silent repentance Localization E1E is located precisely at the pupil line facing the front, at the lower edge of the eye socket. Properties of E1E Allows us to learn more about oneself, to assimilate experiences, to have a new, true and non-judgmental look, to see with the eyes of the heart and not […]

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C7E is the door of spirit or serenity, intelligence and consciousness Localization On the ulnar side of the wrist, the posterior edge of the pisiform, in the hollow over the radial side of the tendon of the anterior ulnar muscle. Properties of C7E Awakens the desire to do activities with the other and not for […]

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