Bamboo collection Localization of V2E V2E is located on the inner edge of the eyebrow, in a small depression. Properties of V2E Physical indications of V2E Psychic indications of V2E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization […]

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Clear view Localization of V1E V1E is located in a small depression just above the inner corner of the eye. Properties of V1E Physical indications of V1E Psychic indications of V1E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and […]

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Transport energy to offer to the kidney Localization of V23E V23E is located under the second lumbar. Properties of V23E Physical indications of V23E Psychic indications of V23E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields […]

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Transport energy to offer to the heart Localization of V15E V15E is located under the five dorsal vertebral. Properties of V15E Physical indications of V15E Psychic indications of V15E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of […]

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Shuttle of the great weaver Localization of V11E V11E is located below the first dorsal vertebral. Meeting of bones, sea of blood Properties of V11E Physical indications of V11E Psychic indications of V11E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : […]

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Yin valley Localization of R10E R10E is located in the fold of the popliteal hollow, between the tendons of the semi-membranous and semi-tendinous, with the leg in flexion. Properties of R10E Physical indications of R10E Psychic indications of R10E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO […]

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Homage to spouses Localization of R9E R9E is located below the base of the twin on the inside. Properties of R9E Physical indications of R9E Psychic indications of R9E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of […]

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Luminous sea Localization of R6E R6E is located in a fissure below the internal malleolus, approximately 4 centimeters below the highest tip. Properties of R6E Physical indications of R6E Psychic indications of R6E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : […]

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Great creek Localization of R3E R3E is located in a depression between the malleolus intern us and the Achilles tendon, next to the tendon. Properties of R3E Physical indications of R3E Psychic indications of R3E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE […]

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Earth’s flourishing source Localization of R1E R1E is located in the depression where the anterior and middle third of the sole of the foot meet. Source so that all energy and blood reach their origin and do not escape Properties of R1E Physical indications of R1E Psychic indications of R1E You can try this product […]

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Central assault Localization of PC9E PC9E is located in the center of the middle fingertip. Properties of PC9E Physical indications of PC9E Psychic indications of PC9E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic […]

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Palace of fatigues Localization PC8E is located in the palm of your hand. When closing the hand, where the middle finger reaches a fold. Between 2nd and 3rd metacarpal, but it plays rather the 3rd. Properties of PC8E Physical indications of PC8E Como : Psychic indications of PC8E Como : You can try this product […]

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Great hill Localization of PC7E PC7E is located in the crease of the wrist between the two tendons of the palmar major muscle, so smaller. Properties of PC7E Physical indications of PC7E Psychic indications of PC7E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ […]

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Ambassador of the Heart – Intuition – Intention Localization of PC5E PC5E is located 10 centimeters above the crease of the wrist, between the two tendons of the palmar major and minor muscle. Properties of PC5E Physical indications of PC5E Psychic indications of PC5E You can try this product for free one week before buying […]

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Boundary gate Localization of PC4E PC4E is located 17 centimeters above the crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmar is major and minor muscle. Properties of PC4E Physical indications of PC4E Psychic indications of PC4E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW […]

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Bright winding vapors Localization of PC3E PC3E is located in the transverse fold of the elbow, on the ulnar side of the biceps brachii tendon. Properties of PC3E Physical indications of PC3E Psychic indications of PC3E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ […]

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Heavenly Source Localization of PC2E PC2E is located 7 centimeters below the armpit, in the middle of the biceps, in its highest area. Properties of PC2E Physical indications of PC2E Psychic indications of PC2E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES […]

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Sky pond Localization of PC1E PC1E is located 4 centimeters laterally, next to the nipple, so in the 4th intercostal space. Properties of PC1E Physical indications of PC1E Psychic indications of PC1E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning […]

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Chalán minor Localization of P11E P11E is located in the radial nail angle of the thumb. Properties of P11E Physical indications of P11E Psychic indications of P11E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – […]

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Fish edge Localization P10E is located in the middle of the distance of the edge of the tenar eminence of the first metacarpal. Properties of P10E Physical indications of P10E Como : Psychic indications of P10E Como : You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW […]

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Path of transmission Localization of P8E P8E is located on the inside of the styloid process of the radius, 3 centimeters above the wrist. Properties of P8E Physical indications of P8E Psychic indications of P8E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE […]

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Passage Localization of P7E P7E is located in a small fissure above the styloid process of the radius, 5 centimeters above the crease of the wrist. Properties of P7E Physical indications of P7E Psychic indications of P7E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, […]

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Luminous vapour pond Localization of P5E P5E is located in the crease of the elbow next to the biceps brachii tendon (radial part). Properties of P5E Physical indications of P5E Psychic indications of P5E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES […]

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Suspended bell Meeting of the 3 Yang of the foot Localization of VB39E VB39E is located mainly 10 cm above the external malleolus, halfway between the tibia and fibula. Feeling from the external malleolus upwards, up the fibula, where we stop feeling the bone. Properties of VB39E Physical indications of VB39E Psychic indications of VB39E […]

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Yang Hill Fountain Localization of VB34E VB34E is located primarily in the hollow below and in front of the fibula head. Properties of VB34E Physical indications of VB34E Psychic indications of VB34E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning […]

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Person center or water channel Localization of VG26E VG26E is located between the upper and middle third of the naso-genian sulcus. Properties of VG26E Physical indications of VG26E Psychic indications of VG26E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning […]

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White opening Localization of VG25E VG25E is located at the tip of the nose. Properties of VG25E Physical indications of VG25E Psychic indications of VG25E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic balance […]

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Sustained existence Localization of VG12E VG12E is located under the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra above the midline of the back. Properties of VG12E Physical indications of VG12E Psychic indications of VG12E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES […]

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Fountain of the Corner Localization of VC23E VC23E is located just above the Adan nut, at the upper edge of the hyoid bone. Sky Window Zone Properties of VC23E Physical indications of VC23E Psychic indications of VC23E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, […]

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Water separation Localization of VC9E VC9E is located about 4 centimeters above the navel. Properties of VC9E Physical indications of VC9E Psychic indications of VC9E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic balance […]

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Door of Origin Localization of VC4E VC4E is located about 10 centimeters below the navel or 7 cm above the pubic symphysis. Properties of VC4E Physical indications of VC4E Psychic indications of VC4E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : […]

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Recognition support Localization of IG18E IG18E is located at walnut level, between the bellies of the sternum-cleido-mastoid. Properties of IG18E Physical indications of IG18E Psychic indications of IG18E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields […]

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Move to the side Localization of IG6E IG6E is located 10 centimeters above the center of the anatomical tobacco company, in the crease of the wrist. Properties of IG6E Physical indications of IG6E Psychic indications of IG6E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, […]

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Yang creek Localization of IG5E IG5E is located in the center of the anatomical tobacco company, in the crease of the wrist. Properties of IG5E Physical indications of IG5E Psychic indications of IG5E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : […]

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Second interval Localization IG2E is located mainly at the radial edge of the index finger, in a hollow in front of the meta-carpo-phalangeal joint. Properties of IG2E Physical indications of IG2E Psychic indications of IG2E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE […]

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Cheekbone hole or cheek prominence Localization of ID18E ID18E is located from the outer corner of the eye, the lower border of the zygomatic bone. Properties of ID18E Physical indications of ID18E Psychic indications of C7E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ […]

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Protects from the wind Localization of ID12E ID12E is located just above the spine of the scapula. Properties of ID12E Physical indications of ID12E Psychic indications of ID12E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields […]

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Small sea Localization of ID8E ID8E is located in the middle of the trochlea and olecranon. Properties of ID8E Physical indications of ID8E Psychic indications of ID8E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – […]

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Balances vital energy Localization of ID7E ID7E is located just above the spine of the scapula. Properties of ID7E Physical indications of ID7E Psychic indications of ID7E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – […]

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Yang Valley Localization of ID5E ID5E is located in the wrist line, in a hollow distal to the styloid process of the ulna. Properties of ID5E Physical indications of ID5E Psychic indications of ID5E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES […]

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Wrist bone Localization of ID4E ID4E is located in the depression behind the base of the fifth metacarpal, where the skin changes color. Properties of ID4E Physical indications of ID4E Psychic indications of ID4E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES […]

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Previous Valley Localization ID2E is located in front of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint of the little finger, in a hollow, where the skin changes color. Properties of ID2E Physical indications of ID2E Psychic indications of ID2E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE […]

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Fountain of the winding arch Localization of H8E H8E is located at the inner end of the fold of the popliteal hollow, flexing the knee a little. In a depression between the semi-membranous tendon and the femoral condyle. Properties of H8E Physical indications of H8E Psychic indications of H8E You can try this product for […]

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Pipe full of bugs Localization of H5E H5E is located 17 centimeters above the tip of the internal malleolus, above the tibia. Properties of H5E Physical indications of H5E Psychic indications of H5E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : […]

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Active space Localization H2E is located behind the interdigital commissure between 1st and 2nd toe. Properties of H2E Physical indications of H2E Psychic indications of H2E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic […]

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Inner courtyard Localization E44E is located mainly at the corner between the second and third toes. Properties of E44E Physical indications of E44E Como : Psychic indications of E44E Como : You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and […]

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Gather the Origin Localization of E42E E42E is located above the pedal artery, in the highest arch of the instep. Properties of E42E Physical indications of E42E Psychic indications of E42E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and […]

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Water circulating Localization of E41E E41E is located mainly in the crease of the ankle, between the extensor tendon of the big toe and the extensor tendon of the other toes. Where he ties his shoes. Properties of E41E Physical indications of E41E Psychic indications of E41E You can try this product for free one […]

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Top of the hill Localization of E34E E34E is located 7 centimeters above the upper outer edge of the kneecap. Properties of E34E Physical indications of E34E Psychic indications of E34E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and […]

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Main energy route Localization of E30E E30E is located 17 centimeters below the navel. At the upper edge of the pubic symphysis and at the inner edge of the femoral artery. Properties of E30E Physical indications of E30E Psychic indications of E9E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF […]

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Receive the other as he is Localization of E9E E9E is located mainly in a depression greater than the occipital protrusion. Properties of E9E Physical indications of E9E Como : Psychic indications of E9E Como : You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ […]

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Palace of the Heart Localization C8E is located in the palm of the hand, in the lower palmar fold, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal. When you close your hand, the point at which the tip of the little finger touches the palm. Properties of C8E Physical indications of C8E Como : Psychic indications of […]

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Door of spirit or serenity, intelligence and consciousness Localization of C7E C7E is located on the ulnar side of the wrist, the posterior edge of the pisiform, in the hollow over the radial side of the tendon of the anterior ulnar muscle. Properties of C7E Physical indications of C7E Psychic indications of C7E You can […]

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Supreme SourceInternal and external communication Localization of C5E C5E is located 4 centimeters above the crease of the wrist, on the radial side of the ulnar tendon. Properties of C5E Physical indications of C5E Psychic indications of C5E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW […]

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Supreme Source Localization of C1E C1E is located next to the artery below the armpit. Properties of C1E Physical indications of C1E Psychic indications of C1E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic […]

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Transverse channel Localization of B15E B15E is located 14 centimeters outside the navel. Properties of B15E Physical indications of B15E Psychic indications of B15E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fields – Energetic balance – […]

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Fountain or spring moving along the hill Localization of B9E B9E is located in the hollow below the condyle of the tibia, on the middle side of the leg. Properties of B9E Physical indications of B9E Psychic indications of B9E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT […]

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Entrance of the valley Localization of B7E B7E is located 20 centimeters above the internal malleolus, behind the edge of the tibia. Properties of B7E Physical indications of B7E Psychic indications of B7E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : […]

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Universal offering Localization of B4E B4E is located in a small depression in front of the base of the first metatarsal, at the bridge of the foot, where the skin changes color. Properties of B4E Physical indications of B4E Psychic indications of B4E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. […]

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Supreme clarity Localization of B3E B3E is located behind the metatarsal-phalangeal joint of the big toe, where the skin changes color. Properties of B3E Physical indications of B3E Psychic indications of B3E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning […]

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Know clarity or deep purity Localization of B1E B1E is located in the inner nail angle of the big toe. Properties of B1E Physical indications of B1E Psychic indications of B1E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and […]

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Liver energy rebellion

Liver energy rebellion

Liver energy rebellion manifests itself more in men than energy stagnation. Energy rebellion mainly refers to excessive ascent and altered descent of energy. The rebellion is one of the characteristics of adolescents. It appears when the way of acting moves between contempt and not taking into account the rights of others, manifesting uncooperative, defiant, negative, […]

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Energy stagnation

Energy stagnation

Energy stagnation usually occurs with the energy of the liver and also to a lesser degree with the intestines and lungs. Symptoms of energy stagnation Main causes Treatment in case of energy stagnation All symptoms of energy stagnation are improved with local application of heat, massage and also movement. They are aggravated by the cold. […]

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Dry wind attacking the lungs

Dry wind attacking the lungs

The dry wind attacking the lungs is generated by a Yin vacuum that prevents the distribution of fluids throughout the body, it is produced from an excess of external heat. Symptoms of dry wind attacking the lungs Main causes of dry wind attacking the lungs Treatment in case of dry wind attacking the lungs Moisturize, […]

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Cold wind attacking the lungs

Cold wind attacking the lungs

The cold wind attacking the lungs prevents the distribution of fluids throughout the body, produced by an excess of external cold. Symptoms of cold wind attacking the lungs Main causes of cold wind attacking the lungs Treatment in case of cold wind attacking the lungs Chiefly Remove excess external cold Temazcal to release the surface […]

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Hot wind attacking the lungs

Hot wind attacking the lungs

The hot wind attacking the lungs prevents the distribution of fluids throughout the body, produced by an excess of external heat. Symptoms of hot wind attacking the lungs Main causes of hot wind attacking the lungs Treatment in case of hot wind attacking the lungs Remove excess external heat Quantum accessory Areas: V12 – VB20 […]

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Yin deficient in the lung

Yin deficient in the lung

The Yin deficient in the lung prevents the distribution of fluids throughout the body, it is produced from an excess of heat or from a deficiency in the transport and transformation of the spleen. Symptoms of Yin deficient in the lung With phlegm With heat and energy insufficient Main causes of Yin deficient in the […]

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Yang deficient in the lung

Yang deficient in the lung

The Yang deficient in the lung is like the insufficiency of energy in them, but with an affectation of Yang and heat. The lung do not distribute fluids, they accumulate Yin. Symptoms of Yang deficient in the lung Main causes of Yang deficient in the lung Treatment in case of Yang deficient in the lung […]

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Energy deficient in the lung

Energy deficient in the lung

The energy deficient in the lung is a respiratory failure generating disease in which the values of oxygen in the blood decrease and thus increase those of carbon dioxide in the blood in a dangerous way. Symptoms of energy deficient in the lung Main causes of energy deficient in the lung Treatment in case of […]

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Cold phlegm in the lung

Cold phlegm in the lung

Cold phlegm in the lung are white or transparent, indicates upper respiratory tract allergy. In some cases it could be associated with a gastric origin such as gastro-esophageal reflux. Symptoms of cold phlegm in the lung Main causes of cold phlegm in the lung Treatment in case of cold phlegm in the lung Chiefly Dissolve […]

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Yin deficient in the kidney

Yin deficient in the kidney

Yin deficient in the kidney due to an excess of Yang (heat). It is practically always accompanied by a blood insufficient. Symptoms of Yin deficient in the kidney Main causes Treatment Yin deficient in the kidney Nourish the Yin and also the organic liquids of the kidney Quantum accessory for Yin deficient in the kidney […]

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Yang deficient in the kidney

Yang deficient in the kidney

The Yang deficient in the kidney is prolonged in time, favors the accumulation of moisture and causes the water to overflow. It is worse than the evolution of the energy deficient, the symptoms are very similar, but in the Yang deficient more wet cold appears. Symptoms of Yang deficient in the kidney Main causes Treatment […]

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Essence of the kidney deficient

Essence of the kidney deficient

Essence of the kidney deficient makes the bone marrow unable to be produced, nourish the bones, brain and generate stem cells. Symptoms of Essence of the kidney deficient Main causes Treatment Essence of the kidney deficient Tone the essential kidney Quantum accessory for Essence of the kidney deficient Areas: V23 – V15 – V11 (strengthen […]

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Energy deficient in the kidney

Energy deficient in the kidney

When energy deficient in the kidney manifests, they suddenly lose the ability to filter waste from the blood. If they lose the ability to filter, harmful levels of waste can accumulate, and the chemical composition of the blood can become unbalanced. Symptoms of energy deficient in the kidney Main causes Treatment Energy deficient in the kidney […]

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Kidney not receiving energy

Kidney not receiving energy

When the kidney not receiving energy, they suddenly lose the ability to filter waste from the blood. If they lose the ability to filter, harmful levels of waste can accumulate, and the chemical composition of the blood can become unbalanced. Symptoms of kidney not receiving energy Main causes Treatment Kidney not receiving energy Tone the energy […]

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Energy of the kidneys not firm

Energy of the kidneys not firm

The energy of the kidneys not firm, not solid comes from a vacuum of energy and Yang in them that manifests itself mainly with loss of control of the sphincters. Symptoms of energy of the kidneys not firm Main causes Treatment Energy of the kidneys not firm Tone the Yang of the energy of the […]

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Excessive cold in the bladder

Excessive cold in the bladder

The excessive cold in the bladder causes us to release our negative emotions uncontrollably and also unconsciously.  Symptoms of excessive cold in the bladder   Main causes Excessive cold in the bladder  Treatment Excessive cold in the bladder  Quantum accessory for excessive cold in the bladder Areas: V28 – V23 VC3 […]

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Moist heat in the bladder

Moist heat in the bladder

The moist heat in the bladder causes the person to poorly assimilate external events and manifests his will in a disorderly manner. He expects too much from others His inner anger also burns him.  Symptoms of moist heat in the bladder   Main causes Moist heat in the bladder  Treatment Moist heat […]

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Energy deficient in the gallbladder

Energy deficient in the gallbladder

The energy deficient in the gallbladder is mainly seen in people who are shy, indecisive, and easily discouraged with a little adversity.  Symptoms of energy deficient in the gallbladder   Main causes Energy deficient in the gallbladder  Treatment Energy deficient in the gallbladder  Quantum accessory for energy deficient in the gallbladder […]

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Energy stagnation in the gallbladder

Energy stagnation in the gallbladder

Energy stagnation in the gallbladder with phlegm is a blockage in the ducts that carry bile from liver to gallbladder, as well as small intestine.  Symptoms Energetic blocked in the gallbladder   Main causes Energetic blocked up in the gallbladder  Treatment of energy stagnation in the gallbladder Drain the liver, so the […]

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Wet cold in the small intestine

Wet cold in the small intestine

Wet cold in the small intestine comes from a deficiency of energy. There is not enough Yang to assimilate and transport nutrients. Symptoms of wet cold in the small intestine Main causes of wet cold in the small intestine Treatment in case of wet cold in the small intestine Remove excess liquid Tone the Yang […]

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Stagnation of energy in the small intestine

Stagnation of energy in the small intestine

The stagnation of energy in the small intestine comes from a cold touching the meridian of the liver but the symptoms are broader. Symptoms of stagnation of energy in the small intestine Main causes of stagnation of energy in the small intestine Treatment in case of stagnation of energy in the small intestine Heating and […]

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Internal wind in liver

Internal wind in liver

The internal wind in liver comes from some circumstances that alter its function, from sudden changes in the movement of energy and blood. The internal wind has different causes and manifestations: INTERNAL WIND FROM YANG ASCENT IN THE LIVER Ascent of Yang in the liver happens against a background of Yin insufficiency. This insufficiency fails […]

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Yin deficient in the liver

Yin deficient in the liver

The Yin deficient in the liver comes mainly from an insufficiency of the organic fluid that does not sufficiently hydrate the liver. Symptoms of Yin deficient in the liver Main causes of Yin deficient in the liver Treatment in case of Yin deficient in the liver Nourish the Yin of the liver and also of […]

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Yang deficient in the liver

Yang deficient in the liver

The Yang deficient in the liver is more serious than the energy deficient in the liver. The Yang has been injured, and cold symptoms appear. Symptoms of Yang deficient in the liver Main causes of Yang deficient in the liver Treatment in case of Yang deficient in the liver Quantum accessory Yang deficient in the […]

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Blood deficient in the liver

Blood deficient in the liver

The blood deficient in the liver can lead to some excess of relative Yang, but not fullness. Liver blood is mainly important for rooting Yang. Symptoms of blood deficient in the liver Main causes of blood deficient in the liver Treatment in case of blood insufficiency in the liver Nourishing organic kidney fluids Tone the […]

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Energy deficient in the liver

Energy deficient in the liver

The energy deficient in the liver is mainly seen in women who are tired and with menstruation problems… the blood of the liver is very important for the psycho-emotional aspect. If there is a lack of blood, the energy is not nourished. Symptoms of energy deficient in the liver Main causes of energy insufficiency in […]

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Excess cold in the liver

Excess cold in the liver

Excess cold in the liver is mainly a heat vacuum in it. The Yang of the liver is weakened which thus generates cold symptoms. Symptoms of excess cold in the liver Main causes of excess cold in the liver Treatment in case of excess cold in the liver Heating and unclogging the meridian Upload the […]

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Excess fire in the liver

Excess fire in the liver

Excess fire in the liver is a fullness of heat in it. The fire rises and thus heats the blood, which is extravasated. Symptoms of excess fire in the liver Main causes of excess fire in the liver Treatment in case of excess fire in the liver Disperse the fire Draining the liver Remove heat […]

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Stagnation of blood in the liver

Stagnation of blood in the liver

In stagnation of blood in the liver can develop a blood loss, hemorrhage: If the vessels are clogged, the blood is extravasated to circulate. For example in cirrhosis. Symptoms of stagnation of blood in the liver Main causes of stagnation of blood in the liver Treatment in case of stagnation of blood in the liver […]

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Stagnation of energy in the liver

Stagnation of energy in the liver

In the stagnation of energy in the liver the goal is to facilitate the flow of its energy, its free circulation throughout the body. When this function fails, the energy stagnates in one or more places in the body. Symptoms of stagnation of energy in the liver Main causes Treatment in case of stagnation of […]

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Moist heat in liver

Moist heat in liver

Moist heat in the liver generates symptoms of heat and also itching in the urogenital system (inflammation in the bladder, fungus, candida). Symptoms of moist heat in the liver Main causes of moist heat in the liver Treatment in case of moist heat in the liver Remove perverse moist heat Quantum accessory Areas: E36 – […]

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Yin deficient in the stomach

Yin deficient in the stomach

The Yin deficient in the stomach tends to suffer first from fullness. Excessive heat, mainly in the long term consumes Yin. Symptoms of Yin deficient in the stomach Main causes of Yin deficient in the stomach Treatment in case of Yin deficient in the stomach Correct the cause (if it is a bad eating habit) […]

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Energy deficient in the stomach

Energy deficient in the stomach

The energy deficient in the stomach usually occurs quite a bit in people who are going through emotional problems. Context of pain or gastro-esophageal reflux. Symptoms of energy deficient in the stomach Main causes of energy deficient in the stomach Treatment in case of energy deficient in the stomach Drain liver and circulate stagnant energy. […]

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Cold in the stomach

Cold in the stomach

The cold in the stomach weakens his Yang which mainly helps him to digest. There is not enough Yang to transform and transport nutrients. Symptoms of cold in the stomach Main causes of cold in the stomach Treatment in case of cold in the stomach Heat and tone the spleen and stomach. Use heat (moxas, […]

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Energy rebellion in the stomach

Energy rebellion in the stomach

The energy rebellion in the stomach occurs mainly when we have gastro-esophageal reflux problems. Symptoms of energy rebellion in the stomach Main causes of energy rebellion in the stomach Treatment in case of energy rebellion in the stomach Drain liver and also circulate stagnant energy. Release the accumulations and also vivify the blood. Quantum accessory […]

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Insufficiency of Yin in the heart

Insufficiency of Yin in the heart

The insufficiency of Yin in the heart comes from a Yin deficiency of the kidneys that cannot slow down the Yang of the heart. Symptoms of deficiency of Yin in the heart How: Main causes of deficiency of Yin in the heart How: Treatment in case of deficiency of Yin in the heart Calm the […]

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Insufficiency of Yang in the heart

Insufficiency of Yang in the heart

The insufficiency of Yang in the heart is the worsening of energy deficiency in the heart that is also accompanied by an energy deficient in the lung. Symptoms of deficiency of Yang in the heart How: Main causes of deficiency of Yang in the heart How: Treatment in case of deficiency of Yang in the […]

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Insufficiency of blood in the heart

Insufficiency of blood in the heart

The insufficiency of blood in the heart does not nourish the mind. This syndrome is often combined with an energy deficiency in the spleen and a blood in the liver. Symptoms of insufficiency of blood in the heart Main causes of phlegm of deficiency of blood in the heart Treatment for phlegm of deficiency of […]

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Insufficiency of energy in the heart

Insufficiency of energy in the heart

A insufficiency of energy in the heart can be accompanied by a deficiency in the lungs or of Yin in the system cardiac. Symptoms of insufficiency of energy in the heart Main causes of phlegm of deficiency of energy in the heart Treatment for phlegm of deficiency of energy in the heart Calm the mind […]

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Phlegm of fire stirring the heart

Phlegm of fire stirring the heart

Phlegm of fire stirring the heart are mainly thick and sticky, usually coming from an infection, from an inflammatory aggression, from immune cells. Symptoms of phlegm of calor stirring the heart Main causes of phlegm of fire stirring the heart Treatment for phlegm of fire stirring the heart Calm the mind Remove perverse moist heat […]

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Stagnation of energy in the heart

Stagnation of energy in the heart

The stagnation of energy in the heart is mainly an obstruction of the energy flow in the functions of this organ. Symptoms of stagnation of energy in the heart Main causes of stagnation of energy in the heart Treatment Frugality, spicy and hot taste are essential for the mobilization of energy. Unlocking the energy of […]

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Excess heat in the heart

Excess heat in the heart

Excess heat in the heart generates agitation, an unpleasant state of emotion or extreme arousal. An agitated person may feel excited, excited, tense, confused, or irritable. Symptoms of excess heat in the heart How: Main causes of excess heat in the heart How: Emotional disorders Improper feeding: hot and spicy drinks and foods in excess […]

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Simultaneous deficiency spleen – heart

Simultaneous deficiency spleen – heart

The simultaneous deficiency of spleen and heart is expressed by a lack of the driving force of the functions of these viscera, which is affected by a deterioration of transport and transformation and / or a loss of control over the blood; as well as in a deterioration of their rule of the flesh (muscles) […]

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Yin deficient in the spleen

Yin deficient in the spleen

The Yin deficient in the spleen indicates an excess of Yang that injures the Yin spleen. There is not enough Yin due to a lack of nutrients and hydration. Symptoms of Yin deficient in the spleen Main causes of Yin deficient in the spleen Treatment of Yin deficient in the spleen Nourishing Yin Remove excess […]

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Yang deficient in the spleen

Yang deficient in the spleen

The Yang deficient in the spleen indicates insufficiency of energy, so symptoms of wet cold. There is not enough Yang to transform and thus transport nutrients. Symptoms of Yang deficient in the spleen Main causes of Yang deficient in the spleen Treatment of Yang deficient in the spleen Eliminate especially wet cold Tone the energy […]

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Blood deficient in the spleen

Blood deficient in the spleen

The blood deficient in the spleen means that it does not transport and also does not transform nutrients well, does not nourish the blood. Symptoms of blood deficient in the spleen Main causes of blood deficient in the spleen Treatment of blood deficient in the spleen Tone the energy so the blood Quantum accessory Areas: […]

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Energy deficient in the spleen

Energy deficient in the spleen

The energy deficient in the spleen causes its functions to weaken and fail. In this case, the transport function and the transformation of nutrients mainly fails. Symptoms of energy deficient in the spleen Main causes of energy deficient in the spleen Treatment of energy deficient in the spleen Tone the energy and blood of the […]

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Wet cold in the spleen

Wet cold in the spleen

The wet cold in the spleen blocks his Yang, which makes it unable to function properly, because the cold considerably disturbs the Yang energy. Symptoms of wet cold in the spleen Main causes of wet cold in the spleen Treatment of wet cold in the spleen Remove wet cold Move the energy of the spleen […]

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Disharmony spleen and stomach

Disharmony spleen and stomach

The disharmony spleen and stomach mainly comes from the fact that the function of the stomach is dominant, which weakens that of the spleen. Symptoms of a disharmony spleen and stomach Main causes of a disharmony spleen and stomach Treatment of a disharmony spleen and stomach Lowers the heat of the stomach and also increases […]

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Excessive moist heat in the spleen

Excessive moist heat in the spleen

Excessive moist heat in the spleen is manifested by inflammation and congestion of this organ. Symptoms of excessive moist heat in the spleen Main causes of excessive moist heat in the spleen Treatment of excessive moist heat in the spleen Remove moist heat Quantum accessory Areas: VC12 IG11 – IG4 : remove excessive heat Therapeutic […]

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Obstruction of the mind

Obstruction of the mind

The obstruction of the mind is manifested by all kinds of mental activity that prevents us from keeping our attention in the here and now, with our breathing: distractions, agitation, sleep, negativities, doubts, urges, fears, excessive speculative thinking… Symptoms of obstruction of the mind Main causes of obstruction of the mind Chart more Yang – […]

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Heat phlegm in the lung

Heat phlegm in the lung

The heat phlegm in the lung is manifested by an inflammation of the lining at the level of the bronchi that transport air and expel it through the lung. Symptoms of heat phlegm in the lung Main causes of heat phlegm in the lung Treatment of heat phlegm in the lung Eliminate mucus present Fighting […]

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Excessive heat in the gallbladder

Excessive heat in the gallbladder

Excessive heat in the gallbladder is a superabundance or fullness of Yang in the gallbladder that inflames it.  Symptoms of excessive heat in the gallbladder   Main causes Excessive heat in the gallbladder  Treatment Excessive heat in the gallbladder Eliminate excessive heat from the gallbladder and also promote the circulation of energy […]

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Excessive heat in the blood

Excessive heat in the blood

Excessive heat in the blood is an overabundance or fullness of Yang in the blood that thus accelerates circulation and blood leaves your vessel. Symptoms of excessive heat in the blood Main causes Treatment Excessive heat in the blood Mainly eliminate perverse heat in the liver Quantum accessory for excessive heat in the blood Areas: […]

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Excessive heat in the large intestine

Excessive heat in the large intestine

Excessive heat in the large intestine is an overabundance or fullness of Yang in the large intestine that generates ulcerative colitis. Symptoms of excessive heat in the large intestine Main causes of excessive heat in the large intestine Treatment in case of excessive heat in the large intestine Remove excess heat in the large intestine […]

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Excessive heat in the small intestine

Excessive heat in the small intestine

Excessive heat in the small intestine is an overabundance or fullness of Yang in the small intestine that generates intestinal inflammation. Symptoms of excessive heat in the small intestine Main causes of excessive heat in the small intestine Treatment in case of excessive heat in the small intestine Remove excess heat in the small intestine […]

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Excessive heat affecting the heart

Excessive heat affecting the heart

Excessive heat affecting the heart is an overabundance or fullness of Yang in the heart that generates heart palpitations. Symptoms of excessive heat affecting the heart Main causes of excessive heat affecting the heart Treatment for excessive heat affecting the heart Lower the fire of the liver Unlock the energy of the liver Quantum accessory […]

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Excessive heat in the stomach

Excessive heat in the stomach

Excessive heat in the stomach is an overabundance or fullness of Yang in the stomach that is manifested by gastric acidity. It usually occurs when high amounts of acid are secreted into the stomach and irritates the esophagus. Symptoms of excessive heat in the stomach Main causes of excessive heat in the stomach Treatment in […]

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Drop of energy of the spleen

Drop of energy of the spleen

The drop of energy of the spleen is also called decay or collapse or decrease the central fuerza. Due to the energy deficient, the function of ascent and support of the structures handled by the spleen fails. Symptoms for a drop of energy of the spleen Main causes for a drop of fuerza of the […]

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Spleen does not control blood

Spleen does not control blood

The spleen does not control blood indicates that it does not have enough energy to hold the blood inside the vessels. Bleeding, bruising and also bleeding occur easily. It is difficult to stop the bleeding. Symptoms for a spleen does not control blood Main causes for a spleen does not control blood Energy deficient in […]

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Attack by the wind

Attack by the wind

Attack by the wind is a disorder of the circulation of energy and blood, in which a blockage of the pure orifices of the head occurs. It can affect organs or meridians. Symptoms of attack by the wind Attack on organs Attack on the meridians Main causes of attack by the wind Attack on organs […]

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Overflowing water invading the heart

Overflowing water invading the heart

Overflowing water invading the heart mainly indicates an insufficiency of Yang in the kidney that prolonged in time favors the accumulation of moisture. Symptoms of overflowing water invading the heart Main causes of overflowing water invading the heart Treatment in case of overflowing water invading the heart Mainly remove excess water: provoke urination Tone the […]

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Ascension of Yang

Ascension of Yang

The Ascension of Yang is not 100% fullness syndrome, it is a hepatic fullness combined with a hepatic and kidney system Yin insufficient. Yin’s emptiness does not root the Yang, and yang ascends uncontrollably. Symptoms for ascension of Yang Main causes for ascent of Yang Treatment Quantum accessory Areas: H3 – R5 – VB20 – […]

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Aggression from the liver to the stomach

Aggression from the liver to the stomach

Normally the aggression from the liver to the stomach occurs a lot in people who are going through emotional problems. Context of pain or gastro-esophageal reflux. Symptoms for the aggression from the liver to the stomach Main causes for attack from the liver to the stomach Treatment for attack from the liver to the stomach […]

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Aggression from the liver to the spleen

Aggression from the liver to the spleen

Aggression from the liver to the spleen comes mainly from an excessive functioning of the liver and a hypo-activity of the spleen. It may also happen that there is an insufficiency of the drainage and evacuation function. Usually happens more in women, they are presented by constipation or diarrhea (or alternating). When power is lacking, […]

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Energetic Balance

Energetic Balance

Energetic Balance is the key to health The energetic balance or the two polarities (Yin and Yang) is mainly the goal of our treatment method.  For Centro Cauce, the cause of all diseases is nothing more than the lack of harmony in the constant flow of Life. Thus, to achieve this energy balance, Centro Cauce […]

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Energetic points

Energetic points

Our body is also covered with energetic points that allow it to receive the energy of the Universe. It is important to know how to identify the need for these energetic points, either to unlock them (when they are blocked), open  them (when they are closed), tone them (when they are weak), calm them (when […]

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