

In the inference, it is time to act as a professional maniera in order to develop your activity or service successfully. IN DEDUCTION NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT (inference) Officially we have finished this training, from the beginning to the end. I hope this reading has served to open our minds to a new […]

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

In Chapter 10 we will discover the values of long-term success and the path to excellence for a better life. VALUES FOR LONG-TERM SUCCESS (Chapter 10) There are many communities who believe in sweets (i.e., in the Persons that promise us a lot, but, we do not receive what they promise us and that unbalances […]

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

In chapter 9 we will discover the star ingredient that will allow us to reach a professional level, fundamental to develop properly. THE STAR INGREDIENT (Chapter 9) Most of the Persons who start doing so desperately, based on enthusiasm and hope. It is an emotional decision. Unfortunately, the discipline and skills needed to turn us […]

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

In chapter 8 we will learn how to establish a relationship of trust with our list of People who want a better quality of life, health or who like to help others. HOW TO CREATE OUR LIST OF RELATIONSHIPS (Chapter 8) Once we contact with the Person, we must enter a regular follow-up process so […]

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

In chapter 7 we will learn how to build the path to success to generate success, implementing this strategy. HOW TO BUILD THE PATH TO SUCCESS (Chapter 7) So far, we have seen the key elements of this activity model. how to interest People and the difference between promoting products or services and offering solutions. […]

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

In chapter 6 we will learn to generate success and get thousands of friends by creating our personal brand from another level. HOW TO GENERATE SUCCESS (Chapter 6) Only 1% of people who invest in this activity learn professionally. I will now reveal main techniques to succeed in what we develop. These techniques have been […]

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Phase 7

Phase 7

In phase 7 we will learn how to attract the People we love in our community. HOW TO ATTRACT THE PEOPLE WE LOVE IN OUR COMMUNITY (phase 7) All right, so far we’ve seen that the most effective way to succeed in this field is to learn how to use tools efficiently. The curious thing […]

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Phase 6

Phase 6

In phase 6, we will learn how to extend this blessing to an increasing number of people and in the right way. HOW TO EXTEND THIS BLESSING TO AN INCREASING NUMBER OF PEOPLE AND IN THE RIGHT WAY (phase 6) The ideal option of gratitude is that we can also offer them the opportunity   to […]

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Phase 5

Phase 5

In the phase 5 we will learn how to increase the results by thanking the People for participating to try or share this blessing. INCREASE RESULTS BY THANKING PEOPLE FOR PARTICIPATING TO TRY OR SHARE THIS BLESSING (phase 5) The time has come to start generating great profits. We have generated a relationship of trust […]

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Phase 4

Phase 4

In phase 4 we will learn how to make a success of our service to help the people who accompany us to generate their own team. HOW TO SUCCEED (phase 4) The biggest mistake we can make is not controlling and not knowing what each Person we share costs us. The vast majority of people […]

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Phase 3

Phase 3

In the phase 3, we will learn to have continuous communication to build, with the people who come to us, a relationship of trust. CONTINUOUS COMMUNICATION (phase 3) When we have a new friend, it is essential that we build a relationship with that friend as soon as possible. The way you present us and […]

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Phase 2

Phase 2

In the phase 2 we will learn how to attract new Friends and support them so that they can achieve their goal. ATTRACT NEW FRIENDS AND SUPPORT THEM SO THEY CAN ACHIEVE THEIR GOAL (phase 2) To attract a new Person and make a new friendship, you must first listen to them, to know their […]

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Phase 1

Phase 1

In the phase 1, we will learn to have a good attitude to serve people who want to receive help in their lives. CORRECT ATTITUDE The most important part is to attract the attention of the people. If you do not get their attention, no matter how good you are and to what extent our […]

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

In Chapter 5, we will learn how to receive growing benefits by bringing what sentient beings desire into their lives. HOW TO RECEIVE BENEFITS BY SHARING BLESSINGS (Chapter 5) How can we receive benefits by sharing blessings? When one or more People are interested in lovingly sharing this generator of hope, they sign up to […]

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

In Chapter 4, we’ll learn what a traditional sales funnel used by most networking businesses is, and how it differs from new-generation marketing. TRADITIONAL SALES FUNNEL (Chapter 4) First, I will clarify this concept: What is a sales funnel? It is a sales process that any Person goes through before meeting her until she decides […]

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

In chapter 3 we will learn how to be effective to have the best results in the development of our team. THE SECRET SKILL: HOW TO BE EFFECTIVE (Chapter 3) It is true that every problem attracts a hidden opportunity. But also, every opportunity brings one or more problems. Example, if we invest in a […]

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

In chapter 2 we will learn how to have your own brand and a great team of people who share this blessing of authentic Love. HOW TO HAVE YOUR OWN BRAND AND A GREAT TEAM OF PEOPLE WHO SHARE THIS BLESSING OF AUTHENTIC LOVE How will we live a better quality of life and become […]

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In chapter 1 we will learn how to share what can support People to get the results they want. SHARE WHAT YOU CAN SUPPORT PEOPLE GET THE RESULTS THEY WANT (chapter 1) More and more people are joining our service team in a spirit of unconditional love, so why not you? It is possible that […]

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Professional Training Numenow

Professional Training Numenow

This Professional Training Numenow is to develop your activity and be a good Leader or Example to improve this world. INTRODUCTION Professional Training Numenow This training teaches a way to professionally develop your Numenow activity and allows you to create a personal brand image. We will learn quickly and get excellent results if we continue […]

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Phlegm is a pathological substance of internal origin, material or immaterial, which obstructs and also hinders energy circulation. The lungs, spleen and kidneys metabolize fluids. When they fail in their functions, the body does not properly transform and transport liquids so moisture is formed. Moisture stagnant for a long time condenses and transforms into phlegm. […]

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Internal wind by blood deficient

Internal wind by blood deficient

The internal wind by blood deficient is linked to an insufficiency of blood in the liver, normally the tremors and symptoms are less severe than the others. The emptying of blood in the liver can lead to some excess of relative Yang, but not fullness. Liver blood is mainly important for rooting Yang. Symptoms of […]

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Dryness is a Yin deficient, indicating that organic liquids are consumed. Caused by excess heat or perverse wind. It can come from the outside or the inside. EXTERNAL DRYNESS Dehydrates, dries, consumes organic liquids and Yin. Can be understood as an insufficiency of moisture. Mainly affects the skin and mucous membranes. It mainly injures the […]

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Grand Governor Localization B21E is located precisely on the median axillary line, in the 6th and intercostal space. Properties of B21E Physical indications of B21E Indicaciones psíquicas of B21E You can try this product for free one week before buying it. IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of […]

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Energy deficient

Energy deficient

The energy deficit mainly affects these organs: the spleen, the kidneys and the lungs. A lack of energy can progress to insufficient blood. Symptoms of energy deficient Main causes of energy deficient Treatment in case of energy deficient Dynamic back massage, pressure, moxa, hot compresses, infra red, heat… Quantum accessory Areas: E36 – VC6 VC12 […]

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Excess cold in the large intestine

Excess cold in the large intestine

Excess cold in the large intestine is mainly a heat deficient in it. The Yang of the large intestine is weakened which thus generates symptoms of cold that freezes it and makes it not move. Thus the lack of Yang prevents the movement of feces. Symptoms of excess cold in the large intestine Main causes […]

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The menstruation is a heavenly water Duration of the menstruation cycle A healthy menstruation should not last less than 3 days, nor more than 7.Most go into a range of 2 to 5 days with light spots at the end. Quantity Normally the menstrual flow should be 50ml (3 tablespoons). Less than 25 ml is […]

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Micro-bleeding are used as a dispersion technique. It consists of removing a small amount of blood with one or more superficial incisions. This action moves the blood. To avoid infections extreme hygiene: wear gloves and gauze. A lancet or hammer of plum blossom or suction cups is usually used to bleed larger areas. To bleed […]

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Yin deficient

Yin deficient

Yin deficient is also known as heat syndrome or Yin insufficiency. It is a relative heat, also lack of nutrition and hydration.  Symptoms of Yin deficient   Main causes Yin deficient  Treatment Yin deficient Nourish the yin.  Quantum accessory for Yin deficient Areas: V43 : nourishes Yin R6 – R7 : […]

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Yang deficient

Yang deficient

The Yang deficient is a worse evolution than the energy insufficient. The symptoms are very similar, but in Yang deficient more cold and moisture appear, resulting in a lack of the transformation function. Symptoms of Yang deficient Main causes Yang deficient Treatment Yang deficient Dynamic back massage, pressure, moxas, hot compresses, infra red, mainly heat… […]

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Blood stagnation

Blood stagnation

Blood stagnation is a decrease or blockage of blood circulation, which is thicker, more viscous, and flows less fluidly. Symptoms of blood stagnation Main causes Internal origin External origin Treatment Blood stagnation Bleeding relieves pain from blood stagnation. Promote the circulation of blood and also energy Trauma bruises are improved with the application of moxas, […]

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The blood is a material form of denser energy. The two are inseparable. She without the energy would be an inert fluid and without movement, the energy gives life to her. Energy needs it to manifest itself. Formation It comes from the energy from food produced by the spleen and stomach. The spleen sends pure […]

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Blood deficient

Blood deficient

Blood deficient usually occurs mainly with the spleen and stomach. Blood does not nourish, heat, or moisten the body enough. It may be due to insufficient quantity or quality of blood. Whenever there is a blood deficient there is a Yin void, but not always when there is a Yin void there is a blood […]

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Excess canicular heat

Excess canicular heat

Excess canicular heat is mainly heat taken to the extreme. Long-term exposure to heat consumes fluids and also weakens Yin. When Yin cannot control Yang, yang ascends and externalizes violently. Symptoms of excess canicular heat Main causes of excess canicular heat Treatment in case of excess canicular heat One of the fastest ways to remove […]

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Moist heat in the large intestine

Moist heat in the large intestine

Moist heat in the large intestine disrupts its function of absorbing fluids and excreting stools, resulting diarrhea with mucus and blood. Symptoms of Moist heat in the large intestine Main causes Damp heat in the IG Treatment Damp heat in the IG Remove and purge toxic heat Quantum accessory for Moist heat Areas: E37 – […]

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Excess hot moisture

Excess hot moisture

Excess hot moisture deforms, obstructs, has connotation of pasty, fixed, so dense. Humidity can be exogenous, due to prolonged exposure to it due to weather or work. Or endogenous: eliminating foods from the diet that produce moisture such as (dairy, refined sugar …). It is worse, if there is a Yang void in the spleen […]

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