Ananda Buddhi

Ananda Buddhi


At the beginning, Ananda Buddhi began his inner research in 1974 and has studied all his life the ancestral Medicine, across the World.

Finally, share your knowledge to travers of Centro Cauce, whom you want to receive to improve their lives or help others.

Thus, Ananda Buddhi begins


First, initiation and training in meditation (Master Prem Rawat)

1974 – 1977

Second, practical training and diploma (Energy Medicine and Extreme Oriental Nutrition) (Tenryu Institute)

1978 – 1981

Third, degree in naturopathy and aromatherapy (Pr. Marchesseau)


Afterwards, diploma in acupuncture and oriental massage (Dr. Nogier)

1980 – 1981

Also, Ananda Buddhi studies with CNRS researchers in France

1981 – 1982

In addition, practical training (healing of subtle bodies) – (Ancestral medicine to develop self-knowledge) (Master Verner)


Follow, initiation and introduction to Tibetan medicine (Master Kalou Rinpoche)

1984 – 1989

Mainly, training and degree in osteopathy


Opening of its first alternative medicine practice in Paris, France.

1990 – 2012

Also, Art Practice, and exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures, ceramics or earth – Art Therapy Practice to help children, adolescents and adults in suffering


Collaboration, as osteopath, with Dr. Darmon (dental surgeon and bioenergetics specialist)


After, training and degree in bioenergetics

1998 – 2014

Continuing with, practical sessions and training in indigenous medicine (Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico)


Later, training and degree in Feng Shui


Likewise, osteopathy consultations in a quantum medicine center in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico


also, osteopathic consultations in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Querétaro, Los Mochis, Hermosillo, Culiacán …

1998 – 2021

Likewise, it is an active member for the dissemination of indigenous medicines.


Drafting of various documents to improve people’s lives.


Therefore he shares his life experience through the creation of a Holistic Health Center (Cauce)


It also regularly organizes retreats, formations, spiritual ceremonies or inner development of the being, at the national and international level …

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