
16 February, 2022


Aromatherapy is a natural method of healing, complete in itself, which substantially modifies physical, emotional and spiritual processes.

It is based on a holistic approach: In general terms, holistic indicates that a system and its properties are analyzed as a whole, in a global and integrated way, since from this point of view its operation can only be understood in this way and not only as the simple sum of its parts.

When treating a certain condition, a large number of elements must be taken into account to get to the root of the problem. In this way, apply the most appropriate treatment.

The rhythm of life, personality, social and work environment, among others, are determining factors to achieve effective healing through essential oils.

Aromatherapy is considered a discipline within natural medicine whose therapy consists of the use of essential oils. Intended for the treatment of certain conditions both physical, mental, emotional, and energetic, to achieve recovery and maintenance of health and well-being.

There are rules and principles for the fresh and pure extraction of essential oils (basis of therapy), as well as for their subsequent therapeutic application. The forms of application are:

  • Direct inhalation: through the sense of smell.
  • Through the skinacupuncture points, massages, baths, poultices, compresses, etc.
  • Oral route: following therapeutic dosages under the prescription and control of a professional therapist.


It is worth asking how small amounts of essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream and tissues through the skin. They can have great therapeutic benefits both physically, emotionally and mentally.

The odoriferous substances found in plants are often referred to as the “soul or spirit” or its hormones. 

These molecules can establish a relationship with your own hormones, traveling through the body’s systems and apparatuses, revitalizing and regulating physical, emotional, and mental responses.

Some essential oils seem to stimulate the body’s defenses against infections, favoring the formation of white blood cells.

It has also been discovered that certain essential oils have an affinity with certain organs of the body: lavender with the kidneys, cypress with the ovaries, etc.

Being an inactive organism or with deficiencies in its functioning, it would selectively absorb a substance that can stimulate its activity, in the same way that it would absorb a nutrient.


Although both disciplines are based on substances derived from plants, there are notable differences.

It is proven that the properties of an essence extracted from a plant are not exactly the same as those of an herbal infusion or decoction, even if they come from the same class of plant.

The preparation techniques are different, and this affects the chemical components, and therefore affects the properties of the final product.

Heat is often used both in the production of herbal extracts and in the extraction of essential oils. Boiling can destroy some ingredients but, on the other hand, some volatile oils need an elevated temperature to allow extraction.

The same distillation process can alter the components of a plant.

For example, the AE of German chamomile (Matricaria camomila) contains a crystalline substance of bluish violet color called azulene, this is not present in the fresh flower, but is formed when the oil is distilled.

An isolated active component has less healing power than if the AE containing it is used.

This is because the secondary components of the essential oil enhance its therapeutic properties.

For example, eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus)  has been shown to have greater antiseptic properties than isolated eucalyptol.

Some components, when isolated, can have an irritating effect on the skin. On the other hand, when the other components of the natural oil are present, no skin reaction occurs.

An example of this is Lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon cítratus), which contains citral, an aldehyde that isolated would cause a skin reaction.


There is a great relationship between psychological and emotional states with hormonal secretions. This functional unit, anatomically is determined by the great innervation and vascularization of all the endocrine and exocrine glands. The pituitary gland, responsible for regulating the endocrine system, is formed in its half by neurons of the central nervous system.

Most external stimuli provoke responses in the body regulated by the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system.

In the same way, thoughts affect emotions that are usually accompanied by very specific hormonal secretions.

It is necessary to achieve harmony between the sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous system and the endocrine to express good adaptive responses to the needs of life. Which is a sign of good health.

Neuro-endocrine imbalances and symptoms are very complex and range from small digestive disorders, mild distress to asthenia and depressions of all kinds.

In recent years, the relationship between stress and depression of the nervous system with immunodeficiencies has been demonstrated.

Therefore the psycho-neuro-endocrine system is integrative of internal homeostasis and practically all the phenomena of life happen with its participation.

Essential oils can help regulate the most frequent and benign dysfunctions. Through the synergy of its active ingredients. That they possess a calming activity of the nervous system, antispasmodic in the relationship of the nervous system with the musculature, and a normalizing action of psychological and emotional excitement at the brain level.