Chapter 4

16 September, 2022

In Chapter 4, we’ll learn what a traditional sales funnel used by most networking businesses is, and how it differs from new-generation marketing.


First, I will clarify this concept:

What is a sales funnel?

It is a sales process that any Person goes through before meeting her until she decides to become a Distributor

It is divided into six steps:

Traditional sales funnel in the network market
Generate contactsTo ContactMake an appointmentPresentationFollowing upDistributor

In the traditional way, it is the ability to contact as many prospects as possible a day and talk to many people at once.

(In the past we needed to knock on the door of people we did not know or to make cold calls, on the phone, with a generic database – what a headache!)

The ratio with this method is very low, only 3 out of 50 people contacted are interested in us.

That is very exhausting!

And that’s how traditionally sales experts or professionals have made a lot of money a year.

This way of working needs a lot of effort and having a large number of people entering the funnel to have people on the other side identifying themselves as interested in themselves.

The problem with most networks is that they pursue the Persons, trying to “convince” them.

Do not spend your time on that!

People are willing to invest when the time is right when you are not trying to sell.

Without continuous monitoring over time, there is no building of trust relationship.

There is only one way to build: to provide real valorization to People.

Once we have established this, we will see many people who know us, who love us and who trust us. Having new participants becomes habitual and natural.

End of chapter 4

IntroductionChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5Phase 1 Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5Phase 6Phase 7Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Inference

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