Code of Ethics

This code of ethics establishes the standards of professional conduct of Centro Cauce.

Preamble to the code of ethics

The importance of following a code of ethics is paramount to us. It is a guide of good practices that allows us to adopt professional and personal rules of conduct in the relationship with our patients.

The respect of this code of ethics allows to prevent against actions or behaviors that may harm both the Cauce Center and the Patients. Therefore, we act and comply in accordance with each of the guidelines recommended in this code of ethics. 

Installation and respect for legislation

We respect the legal obligations of declaration and establishment established by the country of residence.

In the exercise of our profession, we are periodically informed of the current regulations regarding the practice of our discipline.

Patient Relations

We can practice Applied Holistic Ancestral Medicine because we have received a complete training and have acquired a level of recognized competences. 

Openness and objectivity

We are committed to welcoming any Patient, regardless of their political or religious obedience, race, sex or lifestyle. We reject any judgment, criticism or discrimination of any nature.

Patient well-being

Cauce Center consider the integrity and physical, psychological and emotional well-being of our Patients to be our primary concern at all times. We abstain from any sexual relationship with our Patients. We do not adopt a type of behavior toward our patients that is considered abusive in nature.

This includes, but is not limited to, physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment and/or sexual abuse.

Security and accessibility

Patients are welcomed in a secure space, that is to say without risk to their physical or moral integrity.

Practice at full capacity

The service we represent is performed in full possession of our physical and mental abilities. Nor do we do not follow up or guarantee an appointment if we are not in a position to do so, if we are: sick or under the influence of an alcoholic or narcotic substance. 

Applied Holistic Ancestral Medicine as an accompaniment to Allopathic Medicine

We do not prescribe allopathic remedies for any type of medical or mental condition. Therefore, we do not intervene with a patient who demonstrates the need to be examined, evaluated, or treated by a physician or mental health professional. If necessary, we seek the written consent of that patient’s licensed physician prior to their treatment with us.


We are completely open, transparent and honest with our Patients regarding the expenses, conditions and terms of the professional relationship, before any service is provided.

Before providing a service with Applied Holistic Ancestral Medicine to a minor or an incapacitated adult, we always obtain the written consent of the legal representatives of the child or the incapable adult, who are their parents or legal guardian.


We are also committed to maintaining the confidentiality of any information collected during processing, from the first contact. We do not disclose any personal information related to the patient. The patient’s identity and personal information are protected at all times and from the creation of the follow-up material.

Code of ethics in the exercise of our profession

Marketing veracity

We avoid exaggerated claims in advertising material and compromising marketing campaigns.


It is important to note that we do not guarantee our ability to treat the patient’s condition. We do not misrepresent the typical results of the services we provide without evidence or scientific results.

Additional training

We are committed to continuous professional development with the aim of improving our knowledge and skills. We continue our training, through constant research, corresponding to the demands and rules of the exercise of this discipline.

Of the contractual relationship with the patient

Non-abusive benefits and accompaniment

We are committed to providing the patient with the provision and accompaniment they need, without disproportion, without proposing acts or elements that are not necessary, simply with a commercial spirit.


Our fees are established, they take into account the treatment or acts performed.

Additional business services

We may offer our Patients or sell natural products to improve their health or well-being. These products are offered at a fair price and are presented only if they can contribute to the treatment and follow-up initiated.

Economic relations

We refrain from borrowing money from our patients. Money changes are only linked to the services and fees billed.

Diligence with the patient

In addition, we listen to our patients, listen to their needs, their questions or their doubts and give them all the information and explanations about the support and advice we offer.

Early termination of follow-up

We may terminate the contractual relationship early if we consider that the trust is not perceived, or if we are in an uncomfortable situation or in conflict of interest with the Patient. In this case, we explain the reasons for our decision. The patient can also put an end to the follow-up early, respecting the contractual clauses referring.

Relationship with colleagues

We respect our colleagues

We act with respect towards our colleagues and avoid engaging in acts of defamation or attacks against them.

Professional conduct

Primarily, we act in a way that maintains and raises the standards of professionally applied holistic ancestral medicine. In this spirit, we respectfully consider the views and practices of our colleagues. If we do not agree with any of them, we formulate it professionally.

Unjustified complaints

We do not raise unfounded or unjustified complaints against other professionals in the same field, for reasons that include but are not limited to: revenge, relationship problems, marital disputes, different professionals or to gain a competitive advantage. Filing a frivolous complaint with a false purpose is potentially a professional mistake for us.

Conclusion of the Centro Cauce Code of Ethics

Finally, we are committed to following this Code of Ethics and the aforementioned recommended practices, to participate in the development of a solid and structured professional practice that allows the recognition and promotion of the benefits of Applied Holistic Ancestral Medicine.

In addition, the guidelines written here provide information on how we practice this Medicine successfully in our Written guidelines here provide information on how we practice this Medicine successfully at our Center. However, these rules are of a general nature and may be modified to suit the legal requirements of the place of practice.

Also, visit our website: Centro Holistico Cauce

Or contact us :

WhatsApp : 33 1977 5927

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