28 August, 2022

Protects from the wind

Localization of ID12E

ID12E is located just above the spine of the scapula.

Properties of ID12E

  • Allows us to become aware that coldness affects our heart, thus causing a blockage of energy, recognizing all the new things that are part of our life
  • Help to live in the present moment
  • Opens up to a new way of seeing things or new ideas
  • Promotes wind dispersion

Physical indications of ID12E

  • Constricted neck muscles
  • Cough with persistent phlegm
  • Inability to lift the arm
  • Inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon
  • Inflexibility
  • Motor weakness in the arms and shoulder
  • Numbness of the upper extremities
  • Pain in the scapular region and in the area of the upper limbs
  • Promotes wind dispersion
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Torticollis

Psychic indications of ID12E

  • Conflict of contrariety in the action
  • Feeling imprisoned in a vicious circle, that is, in a situation in which we feel locked up
  • Fleeing from an uncomfortable situation that asks me to assert ourselves and take a stand
  • Lack of flexibility in our opinions and way of seeing life
  • Mental rigidity
  • Not appreciating the help we need to change things that seem difficult to us
  • Reject new ideas
  • Resistance in seeing all facets of situations we are experiencing
  • Shame
  • Shyness
  • Stubbornness
  • Wanting to say ” no” to someone or something, but we don’t

You can try this product for free one week before buying it.

IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fieldsEnergetic balanceEnergetic pointsQuantum technology   – Chakras

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