
As a matter of priority, education should be responsible for strengthening and promoting protective factors of health, lifestyle and healthy habits, with a focus on quality of life.

Personal and environmental lifestyle

Thus, personal and environmental hygiene goes far beyond simple grooming practices. It is one of the fundamental components of a healthy lifestyle that is related to other topics such as: cellular nutrition, physical exercise, emotional and mental health, body alignment, respiratory and energy practices, clean water and air, music, meditation …


In addition, the learning of hygiene habits and personal care performs important functions in the integral formation of the human being:

  • Improves health and well-being.
  • Prevents the appearance and development of diseases.
  • Facilitates interpersonal relationships.
  • It helps to create a positive image of themselves.


Personal hygiene is made up of all the care that the body needs to increase its vitality and stay in a healthy state. This is the basic concept of lifestyle.


It refers to any behavior that is repeated over time on a regular and systematic basis.

Healthy Lifestyles

There are determining factors such as:

  • Adopt a balanced, healthy and complete diet
  • Maintain good hygiene habits
  • Enjoy free time
  • Preventing accidents
  • Exercising the mind
  • Playing sports or physical activity
  • Have a better quality of life and well-being in general.


Thus, to maintain an optimal state of health, lifestyle plays a very important role. There are different microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites), often invisible to the eyes found everywhere: in the air, land, water, body and also in food.

In truth, microorganisms live in different places: baths, landfills, unsafe water, poorly washed fruits and vegetables, raw meats, in animals, on the legs of insects and on various objects. 

Microorganisms are living beings and do not stand still: they pass from one person, animal or food to another. Depending on the conditions (food, water, heat and weather), they develop and multiply, giving rise to different diseases

That is why it is essential, in addition to personal hygiene, the cleanliness of the house.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene aims to establish ourselves in the best health conditions in the face of environmental risks. Thus, having good personal hygiene depends on oneself. Self-esteem plays a fundamental role in this aspect, because when we appreciate and value ourselves, we keep ourselves healthy.

Main personal hygiene habits and their importance

Good hand washing on a daily basis and at specific times allows good prevention:

  • Wash hands with On Guard soap, palms and top. Then, wrists and between fingers, brush your nails.
  • Dry them with disposable paper or a clean, dry towel.

When to wash your hands

  • Every time you go home
  • Before eating, preparing or serving food.
  • After going to the toilet, using tissues, touching money or animals. ..

Daily shower or bath

Clean the face, hands, hair, genitals and feet.

With this practice, natural body odor is controlled which is essentially produced by sweat or sweat. In this way, the presence of germs and bacteria that can affect the health of the skin is avoided.


These are very delicate organs and should not be touched with hands or tissues or other dirty objects. His own cleansing mechanism is his own tears or possibly one can use sananga medicine. To prevent vision problems, it is advisable to maintain good lighting of spaces, avoid too much effort of the view by an excess of reading, television or work on screen …


In practice, prevent water from entering the ears. Objects such as: cotton swab, tweezers, rigid objects, should not be introduced into them. Their cleaning should be carried out periodically, taking into account the recommendations of Centro Cauce.


The mouth initiates the process of digestion of food and plays an important role in oral and gestural communication, but also gives rise to health problems. The best way to keep teeth healthy is to brush them properly and periodically with On Guard toothpaste, as well as the tongue.


The nose lets air in so that it reaches the lungs with the right temperature and humidity, free of foreign particles. The production of mucus is a natural process that serves as a lubricant and filter for the air, but it is necessary to remove them several times a day (with rapé),in addition to the discomfort they represent, they contain particles and filtered microorganisms that can cause diseases.

You can use a machine that purifies the air (see on our online shop) and some essential oils for respiratory hygiene as well as Lota.

Clothing and footwear

Washing outerwear, interior clothing and shoe hygiene is essential. Whenever possible, clothing should be exposed to the sun, which eradicates many microbes. In the same way, bedding should be washed regularly, to leave mites that cause skin problems, they can produce allergies.


Daily cleaning of the house is one of the main ways to avoid contamination of different spaces and prevent the presence of diseases. The routine should mainly include cleaning:


Remove garbage, regularly clean stoves, pots and all kitchen utensils as well as: (oven, stove, countertop, tiles, shelves, cupboards, etc.) .


Ventilate the house every day. Open doors and windows. Clean the space to avoid accumulating dust or other. Inside the house it is necessary to clean the ceilings, walls, doors, windows, bedding and furniture… It is recommended to move the furniture at least once or twice a year.


It is important to clean the bathroom or latrines daily to avoid bad odors and the proliferation of germs, fungi and bacteria.


Choose healthy foods, well washed with magnesium sulfate or On Guard soap.

See the article on bioenergetic nutrition.


A healthy lifestyle is only achieved if we learn to have habits that are beneficial to health and well-being. For this reason, a lack of proper hygienic habits is a serious problem, not only because of the unpleasant appearance or bad odors, but also because of the potential danger of transmitting viruses and germs to other people.

How to acquire good lifestyle habits

We must always set an example by encouraging these good habits from an early age, taking into account:

Regularity over time

The daily practice of lifestyle gives, over time, habits that contribute and collaborate to physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Appropriate environment

We must make the environment healthy! Lifestyle elements must be accessible to all (water, soap, paper, towels, etc.).

Every moment must be enjoyable

Carry out activities that allow the learning and application of hygiene habits through conceptual, procedural and behavioral contents that promote healthy development.

Be creative and innovative

If a method or system to create hygienic habits does not work, one must be patient and creative, develop motivating tactics to achieve integral health.

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