
25 April, 2022

The essential oil of Neroli offers by its presence: Joy, self-purification, communication, inner confidence, enthusiasm, euphoria, peace, self-realization, loving relationships, valorization

Botanical name : citrus aurantium var. Amara or bigaradia

Family : rutaceae

Plant/part : flowers

Extraction : steam distillation of flowers

Habitat : France, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Paraguay

Botanical description

The flower of the bitter orange is the so-called orange blossom or neroli. The bitter orange is a small shrub that we find in the Mediterranean basin. From this shrub three essential oils are extracted from three different secretory organs: the flower (orange blossom or neroli), the orange peel and the leaf. Each of them has specific characteristics. The most appreciated and extraordinary is the essential oil of orange blossom or neroli. To produce a liter of this delicate oil 1000 kg are necessary. Of flowers, this makes it have a higher cost.

What Myrrh contains


  • Terpene, linalool (30%), a-pinene (7%), limonene (1%), nerol, geraniol, terpineol
  • Linalyl acetate (7%), methyl anthranilate (1%) and indole (0.2%)

Combinations with Neroli


Basil – bergamot – cedar – geranium – helichrysum – incense – jasmine – ginger – lavender – lemon – mandarin – blue chamomile – Roman chamomile – melaleuca – lemon balm – myrrh – orange – patchouli – rosewood – petitgrain – black pepper – sage – sandalwood – ylang ylang – carrot

Properties of Neroli


  • Balance emotions
  • Destroys germs, pathogenic bacteria
  • Elevates the spirit
  • Fight inflammation, infections caused by bacteria, nervous system activity
  • Gives strength and energy to the system
  • Guide energy in a positive direction
  • Heals
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Increases sexual desire
  • Induces sleep
  • Promotes the expulsion of gases
  • Rebalances the nervous system
  • Reduces pain, symptoms of anxiety
  • Regenerates the skin
  • Regulates the cardiac system
  • Relaxes
  • Removes toxins from an organism or purifies body fluids from blood and lymph
  • Soothes pains or decreases nervous arousal, spasms or seizures, the central nervous system
  • Transform energy

Indications for Neroli



  • Arterial hypertension
  • Arthralgia
  • Brittle or broken capillaries
  • Cramps
  • Female disorders
  • Headaches
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Migraines
  • Myalgia
  • Neuralgia
  • Neuroses
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Pain of nervous origin
  • Palpitations
  • Respiratory epidemics, tract infections
  • Sexual problems
  • Spasms



  • Aged skin
  • Dermal irritability
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Ulcerations
  • Varicose veins
  • Wrinkles

Emotional psychic


  • Agitation
  • Altered for no apparent reason
  • Anxiety
  • Blocked or uninspired
  • Boredom
  • Breakups or sentimental losses
  • Depression
  • Difficult times
  • Fixed ideas
  • Grief
  • Harmful habits
  • Hyper-emotionality
  • Hysteria
  • Irritability
  • Melancholy
  • Mental confusion, poisoning
  • Negative thoughts
  • Nervous shock
  • Penalties
  • Sadness
  • Stage fright
  • Stress sleep disorders
  • Time of difficulty

Methods of use


Dilute 1:3 (1 drop of essential oil to 3 drops of carrier oil) when used topically. Dilute more for children over six years of age or for those with sensitive skin. Also apply directly to the area of interest or reflection points.

Diffuse or inhale the aroma directly.

Precautions with Neroli


First, do not take neroli essential oil internally during pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age or in cases of gastritis, Parkinson’s or other neurological diseases.

Also, do not administer, or apply topically to children under 6 years of age or in case of respiratory allergies or known hypersensitivity to this or other essential oils.

In addition, do not expose the skin to the sun after the application of neroli essential oil (especially if you have sensitive skin): it can produce a phenomenon of photo-sensitization.

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