
18 February, 2022

What is the regeneration cure?

The regeneration cure allows to control old age which is a process of cellular oxidation, natural and progressive. It is a process that must be understood by those people who wish to preserve physical youth as far as possible. Also, supplements, creams and various beverages, rich in antioxidants, slow cellular oxidation, attenuate the ravages of old age and prolong life expectancy.

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that the human body uses to scavenge free radicals. Above all, they are very reactive chemicals that introduce oxygen into cells and produce the oxidation of their different parts. Free radicals alter DNA and accelerate the aging of the body.

To understand what an antioxidant is, you must first know what cellular oxidation is. In a very general way, this occurs when an unstable atom loses an electron (negatively charged particle),which allows it to form a new compound with another element. Therefore this unstable atom causes an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the ability of a biological system to cleanse the organism of harmful substances. This oxygen you use to breathe is one of the main responsible for cellular oxidation. Oxygen serves to produce energy throughout the body, but small portions of this element produce free radicals.

In the body there is a balance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defense systems. When this balance is altered or decompensated in favor of them, the so-called oxidative stress occurs, which means that stress can be triggered by: solar radiation, inflammatory and immunological responses, alcoholism, smoking, vitamin deficiency and other factors.

The regeneration cure for physical treatments

In the physical plan, in Centro Cauce we use: medicinal plants, homeopathy, nutrients of high absorption, essential oils …  to regenerate the organism.

At the mental level we work on: the development of personality, learning, perception and decision-making, meditation, advice. .. to regenerate and increase resilience.


Its objective is to complete the “detox” cure, especially effective at the humoral level, with the powerful detoxifying power of antioxidants at the cellular level. It is developed in two levels of intervention:

Limitation of oxidizing factors

Excess heat stroke, ionizing radiation, tobacco, alcohol, physical or professional overwork, mental stress, devitalized and contaminated food, etc.

Individualized intake of antioxidants

In the form of specific foods or nutritional supplements (MOA, Noni Max, Biopro-Q, Omega-Q, Vináli – Optimal M and V).