29 August, 2022

Person center or water channel

Localization of VG26E

VG26E is located between the upper and middle third of the naso-genian sulcus.

Properties of VG26E

  • Acts on the nose, face and spine
  • Calm the mind
  • Clears the mind
  • Communicates the Yin with the Yang of the body
  • Eliminates wind
  • It allows us to be proud of ourselves
  • Open to others
  • Restores consciousness
  • Treats mental disorders

Physical indications of VG26E

  • Acute low back sprain
  • Alcoholism
  • Apoplexy
  • Breath stench
  • Cold sores
  • Coma
  • Deviation of the mouth and eyes
  • Disorders of the nose and also of the mouth
  • Epilepsy
  • Facial edema
  • Facial paralysis
  • Fainting
  • Infantile seizures
  • Loss of consciousness or consciousness
  • Lumbago
  • Stuffy nose
  • Syncope
  • Trismus
  • Upper tooth pain, acute lumbar, and also stiffness in the lower back area

Psychic indications of VG26E

  • Anger that gnaws and also fear of expressing it
  • Being angry with us for saying offensive words
  • Burning and repressed desire to curse
  • Emotional and mental grief
  • Experiencing a situation where there is a separation from a person we used to kiss
  • Frustration
  • Having a harsh judgment against a person of the opposite sex
  • Hysteria
  • Incessant, nonsense, or inappropriate word
  • Incoherent laughter and crying
  • Mania
  • Manic disorders
  • Psycho-emotional disorders
  • Separation conflict, so dirt
  • We cannot realize certain desires and we sit somewhat ” helpless”, “incapable”
  • Solitude
  • Victim of undesirable sexual contact

You can try this product for free one week before buying it.

IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fieldsEnergetic balanceEnergetic pointsQuantum technology   – Chakras

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