
14 February, 2022

Revitalization is carried out in principle after detoxification treatment. Once the body is clean, it becomes stronger.

If it is very weakened, with very low vital energy, you need to revitalize it before detoxifying it. Sometimes deficiencies are more important than overloads.

Objective of  revitalization

Revitalization follows detoxification, if eliminations are important, to revitalize the body and fill deficiencies, which can be old, usually in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes … and other non-nutritional deficiencies.

The latter will be completed in the medium and long term with the return to adapted and physiological nutrition. However, in the short term, the help of quality nutritional supplements or  cellular nutrition may be necessary.

Principle of revitalization

This treatment is a period that must be used to initiate changes that ensure constant vitality: implementation of a dietary plan, nutritional individualization, individualized supplementation, hygienic adjustment of life and contribution of vitalizing elements.

This is achieved in particular thanks to a food rebalancing (Bioenergetic and Cellular Nutrition) which provides good nutrients to the body.

These are new eating habits to adopt and understand to maintain vitality and well-being… 

  • What foods provide minerals, vitamins, trace elements? 
  • How to cook to preserve the maximum of nutrients? 
  • What oils to consume? 
  • At what rate to eat? 
  • How much and how much water should I consume? etc.

It may be helpful to supplement with nutrients or plants to support the body. Food may be insufficient to restore energy in the short term. In addition, it is useful to practice relaxation methods to help the mind. Energy must flow harmoniously.

Act on psycho-emotional and environmental factors (professional and personal life) that affect vitality and fundamentals.


Implementation of a hypo-toxic nutritional plan

Bioenergetic nutrition is based on the digestive specificities of the human being. Live food…

Therefore, given the rhythm of each person and their context of life, it seems obvious that this ideal cannot be applied as is. The human being changes and the truths of yesteryear must adapt to the reality of modern man. 

Nutritional individualization

It is a question of completing the bioenergetic nutritional plan according to the needs of each. 

This is the time to adapt the dietary proposals according to your constitution, your temperament, your current diathesis, your vital force… in short, the implementation of the valuable information gathered during the time of the audit that we jointly established. All this obviously stands out according to the anamnesis made during the first consultation: what is your current pace of life, your request, your habits …   and of course, what efforts are you willing to give to your being to improve the quality of your life?

Individualized intake of nutritional supplements

It is above all a priority for us to offer you (if necessary) what is called “superfoods”: NewAge products…

Adjusting life behavior

It is a question of aiming to gradually eliminate a maximum of devitalizing elements  often too present in everyday life. We do not always realize it, but in the long term they disrupt health! 

Such as: tobacco, alcohol, screen work, time spent in front of the television and computer, staggered hours, nightlife, sedentary lifestyle, overwork (professional, physical, intellectual, sports … ).  Taking dopants and stimulants (coffee, tea, cocoa, soft drinks, comforting drugs, drug use…), pollution of all kinds (high voltage lines, quality of housing, ionized food, industrialized, microwave oven, mobile phones…), lack of sun, stress…

Introduction of vitalogenic factors

It is a question of thinking about adopting habits  that allow you to recharge the cellular batteries with the greatest regularity or even daily.

Be as often as possible in contact with nature, approach a source of negative ions (coniferous forests, waterfalls, ocean …), do energizing exercises (Qi gong, Tai Chi, Yoga …)  adapted to your needs, contact with warm-blooded  animals (horses, cats, sheep, cows, dogs, etc.) , friction and aromatic baths…